HiPS list aggregator

List of Hierarchical Progressive Surveys provided by all public HiPS servers
This page provides the list of all public HiPS sorted by categories (HiPS sky maps, HiPS planet maps, HiPS cubes, HiPS catalogs), plus the list of the public HiPS servers. It is based on the CDS MocServer used to aggregate HiPS lists.

HiPS servers (list of HiPS HTTP servers - required a VO registration)

# Origin Type HiPS list URL
1CDSimage,cube https://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/hipslist
2CDSimage,cube https://alaskybis.cds.unistra.fr/hipslist
3CDScatalog https://hipscat.cds.unistra.fr/HiPSCatService/hiplist
4erosita image https://erosita.mpe.mpg.de/dr1/vo/hipslist
5hips.astro.nl image http://hips.astron.nl/hipslist
6jvo image http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/HiPS/hipslist.txt
7CEFCA image,catalog https://archive.cefca.es/catalogues/hips_list.html
8cfa.harvard.edu image https://cdaftp.cfa.harvard.edu/hipslist
9wfau.roe.ac.uk image,catalog http://surveys.roe.ac.uk/hips71/hipslist
10CASDAimage https://casda.csiro.au/hips/hipslist
11PADCimage http://voparis-srv-paris.obspm.fr/vo/planeto/hips/perl_hipslist.pl
12IPACimage http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/hips/list
13ANUimage http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/_HiPS/hipslist.txt
14Leidenimage,catalog http://tgssadr.strw.leidenuniv.nl/hips_list
15IRAPimage http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/hipslist-IRAP.txt
16SSCimage http://saada.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/hipslist
17svo.cabimage http://gtc.sdc.cab.inta-csic.es/hips/hipslist
18IASimage https://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/hipslist
19ESACimage http://skies.esac.esa.int/hipslist
20JAXAimage,catalog http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/HiPS/hipslist.txt
21HEASARCimage https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/hips/skyview.hips
22China-VOimage http://hips.china-vo.org/hipslist
23simg.deimage http://www.simg.de/hipslist.txt

1) HiPS sky maps

# ID Mirror
Coverage Tile
Mode Progen Pixels Aladin
1 CDS/P/2MASS/H 3 2021-02-23 9 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 2Tpix 2MASS H (1.66um)
2 CDS/P/2MASS/J 3 2021-02-24 9 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 2Tpix 2MASS J (1.23um)
3 CDS/P/2MASS/K 3 2021-02-23 9 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 2Tpix 2MASS K (2.16um)
4 CDS/P/2MASS/color 2 2024-10-09 9 equatorial 1 jpeg color 998Gpix desktop,lite 2MASS color J (1.23um), H (1.66um), K (2.16um)
5 CDS/P/2MASS6X/H 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 0.01316 png,jpeg,fits 39Gpix 2MASS6X H (1.66um)
6 CDS/P/2MASS6X/J 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 0.01316 jpeg,fits 26Gpix 2MASS6X J (1.23um)
7 CDS/P/2MASS6X/K 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 0.01316 jpeg,fits 26Gpix 2MASS6X K (2.16um)
8 CDS/P/2MASS6X/color 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 0.01316 png color 13Gpix 2MASS6X color J (1.23um) & K (2.16um)
9 CDS/P/ACT2/DR4/CMB 2 2021-04-12 4 equatorial 0.0952 png,fits yes 190Mpix ACT2 DR4 CMB
10 CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/Color 3 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 1 png,jpeg color 8Gpix desktop,lite AKARI FIS Color WideL (140um), WideS (90um), N60 (65um)
11 CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/N160 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 1 png,fits yes 8Gpix AKARI FIS N160 (160um)
12 CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/N60 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 1 png,fits yes 8Gpix AKARI FIS N60 (65um)
13 CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/WideL 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 1 png,fits yes 8Gpix AKARI FIS WideL (140um)
14 CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/WideS 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 1 png,fits yes 8Gpix AKARI FIS WideS (90um)
15 CDS/P/AST3II/DR1 2 2023-12-22 9 equatorial 0.001175 png,fits yes 2Gpix AST3II DR1
16 CDS/P/AST3II/DR1/deep 2 2024-01-02 9 equatorial 0.001205 png,fits yes 2Gpix AST3II DR1 deep
17 CDS/P/ATLASGAL 2 2019-05-21 7 equatorial 0.01097 png,fits yes 1Gpix desktop ATLASGAL 850 um
18 CDS/P/ATLASGAL/APEXPlanck 2 2019-05-21 7 equatorial 0.007962 png,fits yes 1018Mpix desktop ATLASGAL APEX-Planck 850um
19 CDS/P/CFHTLS/D/color/ugi 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 1.009E-4 jpeg color 6Gpix CFHTLS-D-color-ugi
20 CDS/P/CFHTLS/D/g 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 1.044E-4 jpeg,fits 13Gpix CFHTLS-D-g
21 CDS/P/CFHTLS/D/i 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 1.044E-4 jpeg,fits 13Gpix CFHTLS-D-i
22 CDS/P/CFHTLS/D/r 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 1.044E-4 jpeg,fits 13Gpix CFHTLS-D-r
23 CDS/P/CFHTLS/D/u 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 1.044E-4 jpeg,fits 13Gpix CFHTLS-D-u
24 CDS/P/CFHTLS/D/z 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 1.044E-4 jpeg,fits 13Gpix CFHTLS-D-z
25 CDS/P/CFHTLS/W/Color/ugi 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.003731 jpeg color 60Gpix CFHTLS-W-colored-ugi
26 CDS/P/CFHTLS/W/g 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.003731 jpeg,fits 119Gpix CFHTLS-W-g
27 CDS/P/CFHTLS/W/i 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.003731 jpeg,fits 119Gpix CFHTLS-W-i
28 CDS/P/CFHTLS/W/r 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.003731 jpeg,fits 119Gpix CFHTLS-W-r
29 CDS/P/CFHTLS/W/u 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.003731 jpeg,fits 119Gpix CFHTLS-W-u
30 CDS/P/CFHTLS/W/z 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.003731 jpeg,fits 119Gpix CFHTLS-W-z
31 CDS/P/CO 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Mpix CO composite survey
32 CDS/P/CO-Dame-2022 2 2024-07-17 3 galactic 1 png,fits 2Mpix Dame and Thaddeus 2022 Velocity Integrated CO Map
33 CDS/P/COHRS 2 2019-05-05 7 equatorial 0.001495 png,jpeg,fits 287Mpix CO High Resolution Survey (HARP/JCMT)
34 CDS/P/Coronelli 2 2020-03-06 4 equatorial 1 jpeg,png color yes 2Gpix Coronelli
35 CDS/P/DECaLS/DR3/color 2 2019-05-21 11 equatorial 0.2275 jpeg color 4Tpix desktop DECaLS DR3 color
36 CDS/P/DECaLS/DR5/color 3 2019-05-21 11 equatorial 0.269 jpeg color 4Tpix desktop,lite DECaLS DR5 color
37 CDS/P/DECaLS/DR5/g 2 2019-05-23 11 equatorial 0.1967 png,fits yes 6Tpix DECaLS DR5 g
38 CDS/P/DECaLS/DR5/r 2 2019-06-18 11 equatorial 0.1971 png,fits yes 6Tpix DECaLS DR5 r
39 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR1/color 2 2019-05-22 11 equatorial 0.03543 png,jpeg color 1Tpix desktop DECaPS DR1 color
40 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR1/g 2 2019-05-22 11 equatorial 0.0351 png,jpeg,fits 2Tpix DECaPS DR1 g
41 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR2/Y 2 2022-12-14 11 equatorial 0.06582 png,fits 2Tpix DECaPS DR2 Y
42 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR2/color 2 2022-11-10 11 equatorial 0.06619 png color 1Tpix desktop,lite DECaPS DR2 color
43 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR2/g 2 2022-11-23 11 equatorial 0.06596 png,fits 2Tpix DECaPS DR2 g
44 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR2/i 2 2022-12-03 11 equatorial 0.06604 png,fits 2Tpix DECaPS DR2 i
45 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR2/r 2 2022-12-01 11 equatorial 0.06592 png,fits 2Tpix DECaPS DR2 r
46 CDS/P/DECaPS/DR2/z 2 2022-12-03 11 equatorial 0.06589 png,fits 2Tpix DECaPS DR2 z
47 CDS/P/DENIS/I 3 2024-08-28 9 equatorial 0.5085 png,fits yes 1015Gpix DENIS I
48 CDS/P/DES-DR1/ColorIRG 2 2020-02-01 11 equatorial 0.1274 png color 2Tpix DES-DR1 color (I-R-G bands)
49 CDS/P/DES-DR1/Y 2 2019-07-05 11 equatorial 0.127 jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR1 Y
50 CDS/P/DES-DR1/g 2 2019-05-23 11 equatorial 0.1284 jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR1 g
51 CDS/P/DES-DR1/i 2 2019-05-23 11 equatorial 0.127 jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR1 i
52 CDS/P/DES-DR1/r 2 2019-06-04 11 equatorial 0.127 jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR1 r
53 CDS/P/DES-DR1/z 2 2019-06-11 11 equatorial 0.1271 jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR1 z
54 CDS/P/DES-DR2/ColorIRG 2 2023-02-22 11 equatorial 0.1261 png color 2Tpix DES-DR2 ColorIRG
55 CDS/P/DES-DR2/Y 2 2023-02-13 11 equatorial 0.1261 png,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR2 Y
56 CDS/P/DES-DR2/g 2 2022-12-25 11 equatorial 0.1261 png,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR2 g
57 CDS/P/DES-DR2/i 2 2023-02-05 11 equatorial 0.1261 png,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR2 i
58 CDS/P/DES-DR2/r 2 2023-01-19 11 equatorial 0.1261 png,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR2 r
59 CDS/P/DES-DR2/z 2 2023-03-03 11 equatorial 0.1261 png,fits yes 4Tpix DES-DR2 z
60 CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/color 2 2023-03-10 11 equatorial 0.5554 png color yes 9Tpix DESI Legacy Surveys color (g, r, i, z)
61 CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/g 2 2023-04-05 11 equatorial 0.5356 fits,png yes 17Tpix DESI Legacy Surveys g
62 CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/i 2 2023-05-16 11 equatorial 0.4485 png,fits yes 14Tpix DESI Legacy Survey i
63 CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/r 2 2023-06-30 11 equatorial 0.5009 png,fits yes 16Tpix DESI Legacy Survey r
64 CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/z 2 2023-09-05 11 equatorial 0.5161 png,fits yes 16Tpix DESI Legacy Surveys z
65 CDS/P/DM/I/345/gaia2 2 2022-03-01 4 equatorial 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Gpix Density map for Gaia DR2 (I/345/gaia2)
66 CDS/P/DM/I/350/gaiaedr3 2 2020-11-27 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Density map for Gaia EDR3 (I/350/gaiaedr3)
67 CDS/P/DM/I/355/gaiadr3 2 2022-06-15 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Gaia DR3 density map
68 CDS/P/DM/flux-Bp/I/345/gaia2 2 2019-05-21 4 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 2Gpix Bp flux map for table I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2)
69 CDS/P/DM/flux-Bp/I/350/gaiaedr3 2 2020-11-27 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Bp flux map for table I/350/gaiaedr3 (Gaia EDR3)
70 CDS/P/DM/flux-Bp/I/355/gaiadr3 2 2022-06-16 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Bp flux map for table I/355/gaiadr3 (Gaia DR3)
71 CDS/P/DM/flux-G/I/345/gaia2 2 2019-05-21 4 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 2Gpix G flux map for table I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2)
72 CDS/P/DM/flux-G/I/350/gaiaedr3 2 2020-11-27 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix G flux map for table I/350/gaiaedr3 (Gaia EDR3)
73 CDS/P/DM/flux-G/I/355/gaiadr3 2 2022-06-16 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix G flux map for table I/355/gaiadr3 (Gaia DR3)
74 CDS/P/DM/flux-Rp/I/345/gaia2 2 2019-05-21 4 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 2Gpix Rp flux map for table I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2)
75 CDS/P/DM/flux-Rp/I/350/gaiaedr3 2 2020-11-27 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Rp flux map for table I/350/gaiaedr3 (Gaia EDR3)
76 CDS/P/DM/flux-Rp/I/355/gaiadr3 2 2022-06-16 7 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Rp flux map for table I/355/gaiadr3 (Gaia DR3)
77 CDS/P/DM/flux-color-Rp-G-Bp/I/345/gaia2 3 2019-05-21 4 equatorial 1 jpeg color 998Mpix Color flux map for I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2)
78 CDS/P/DM/flux-color-Rp-G-Bp/I/350/gaiaedr3 2 2020-11-27 7 equatorial 1 jpeg color 62Gpix Color flux map for I/350/gaiaedr3 (Gaia EDR3)
79 CDS/P/DM/flux-color-Rp-G-Bp/I/355/gaiadr3 2 2022-06-16 7 equatorial 1 jpeg color 62Gpix Color flux map for I/355/gaiadr3 (Gaia DR3)
80 CDS/P/DM/radial-velocity/I/345/gaia2 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix Radial velocity map for I/345/gaia2 (Gaia DR2)
81 CDS/P/DM/radial-velocity/I/355/gaiadr3 2 2022-06-16 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits color 125Mpix Gaia DR3 radial velocity map
82 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/allObjects 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - all objects
83 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Galaxy 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - Galaxy
84 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/HII 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - HII
85 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Infrared 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - Infrared
86 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Nebula 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - Nebula
87 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Other 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - Other
88 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Radio 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - Radio
89 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/Star 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - Star
90 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/UV 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - UV
91 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/X 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - X
92 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1850-1900 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1850-1900
93 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1900-1910 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1900-1910
94 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1910-1920 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1910-1920
95 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1920-1930 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1920-1930
96 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1930-1940 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1930-1940
97 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1940-1945 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1940-1945
98 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1945-1950 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1945-1950
99 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1950-1955 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1950-1955
100 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1955-1960 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1955-1960
101 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1960-1965 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1960-1965
102 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1965-1970 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1965-1970
103 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1970-1975 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1970-1975
104 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1975-1980 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1975-1980
105 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1980-1985 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1980-1985
106 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1985-1990 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1985-1990
107 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1991 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1991
108 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1992 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1992
109 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1993 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1993
110 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1994 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1994
111 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1995 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1995
112 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1996 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1996
113 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1997 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1997
114 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1998 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1998
115 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/1999 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 1999
116 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2000 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2000
117 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2001 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2001
118 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2002 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2002
119 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2003 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2003
120 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2004 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2004
121 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2005 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2005
122 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2006 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2006
123 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2007 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2007
124 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2008 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2008
125 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2009 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2009
126 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2010 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2010
127 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2011 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2011
128 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2012 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2012
129 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2013 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2013
130 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2014 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2014
131 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2015 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2015
132 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2016 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2016
133 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2017 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2017
134 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2018 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2018
135 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2019 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2019
136 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2020 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2020
137 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2021 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2021
138 CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/pub-dates/2022 2 2023-01-30 3 equatorial 1 fits,png 8Mpix Simbad heatmap - 2022
139 CDS/P/DM/vizMine 2 2019-11-08 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 125Mpix vizMine: density map for all VizieR tables
140 CDS/P/DSS2/NIR 2 2019-05-20 9 equatorial 0.9955 jpeg,fits yes 2Tpix DSS2 NIR (XI+IS)
141 CDS/P/DSS2/blue 2 2019-06-17 9 equatorial 0.9972 jpeg,fits yes 2Tpix desktop,lite DSS2 Blue (XJ+S)
142 CDS/P/DSS2/color 6 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 1 jpeg color 998Gpix desktop,lite DSS colored
143 CDS/P/DSS2/red 3 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 2Tpix desktop,lite DSS2 Red (F+R)
144 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/100-150 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 100-150MeV
145 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/1000-2000 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 1000-2000MeV
146 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/150-300 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 150-300MeV
147 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/2000-4000 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 2000-4000MeV
148 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/30-50 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 30-50MeV
149 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/300-500 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 300-500MeV
150 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/4000-10000 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 4000-10000MeV
151 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/50-70 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 50-70MeV
152 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/500-1000 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 500-1000MeV
153 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/70-100 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix EGRET Dif 70-100MeV
154 CDS/P/EGRET/inf100 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 499Mpix EGRET inf 100MeV
155 CDS/P/EGRET/sup100 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 499Mpix EGRET sup 100MeV
156 CDS/P/ESO/EPO 2 2022-08-17 12 equatorial 0.03754 png color yes 2Tpix ESO EPO images
157 CDS/P/Euclid/ERO/FirstImages 2 2023-11-07 11 equatorial 6.457E-5 png color yes 1Gpix Euclid Early Release Observations (ERO) First Images
158 CDS/P/Euclid/ERO/NISP.H 2 2024-05-27 11 equatorial 2.718E-4 png,fits 9Gpix Euclid ERO NISP.H
159 CDS/P/Euclid/ERO/NISP.J 2 2024-05-27 11 equatorial 2.721E-4 png,fits 9Gpix Euclid ERO NISP.J
160 CDS/P/Euclid/ERO/NISP.Y 2 2024-05-27 11 equatorial 2.718E-4 png,fits 9Gpix Euclid ERO NISP.Y
161 CDS/P/Euclid/ERO/VIS 2 2024-05-27 13 equatorial 2.644E-4 png,fits 135Gpix Euclid ERO VIS
162 CDS/P/Euclid/ERO/color 2 2024-05-28 12 equatorial 2.712E-4 png color 17Gpix Euclid ERO color (filters H, Y, VIS)
163 CDS/P/FDS/DR1/color 2 2023-07-31 12 equatorial 6.587E-4 png color 42Gpix Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) color
164 CDS/P/FDS/DR1/g 2 2023-08-03 12 equatorial 6.788E-4 png,fits yes 87Gpix Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) g' band
165 CDS/P/FDS/DR1/i 2 2023-08-03 12 equatorial 6.587E-4 png,fits yes 84Gpix Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) i' band
166 CDS/P/FDS/DR1/r 2 2023-08-03 12 equatorial 6.745E-4 png,fits yes 86Gpix Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) r' band
167 CDS/P/FDS/DR1/u 2 2023-08-03 12 equatorial 5.318E-4 png,fits yes 68Gpix Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) u' band
168 CDS/P/Fermi/3 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 499Mpix Fermi 300-1000MeV HEALPix survey
169 CDS/P/Fermi/4 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 499Mpix Fermi 1-3GeV HEALPix survey.
170 CDS/P/Fermi/5 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 499Mpix Fermi 3-300GeV HEALPix survey
171 CDS/P/Fermi/color 4 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 1 jpeg color 250Mpix desktop,lite Fermi Color HEALPix survey
172 CDS/P/Finkbeiner 3 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 31Mpix desktop,lite Finkbeiner Halpha composite survey
173 CDS/P/GALACTICNUCLEUS/DR1/H 2 2024-04-22 13 equatorial 8.023E-6 png,fits 4Gpix GALACTICNUCLEUS DR1 H
174 CDS/P/GALACTICNUCLEUS/DR1/J 2 2024-04-22 13 equatorial 8.172E-6 png,fits 4Gpix GALACTICNUCLEUS DR1 J
175 CDS/P/GALACTICNUCLEUS/DR1/Ks 2 2024-04-22 13 equatorial 8.200E-6 png,fits 4Gpix GALACTICNUCLEUS DR1 Ks
176 CDS/P/GALACTICNUCLEUS/DR1/color 2 2024-04-22 13 equatorial 7.994E-6 png color 2Gpix GALACTICNUCLEUS DR1 color (from bands Ks, H, J)
177 CDS/P/GALEXGR6/AIS/FUV 3 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 0.6821 png,fits yes 341Gpix GALEX GR6 AIS (until March 2014)- Far UV
178 CDS/P/GALEXGR6/AIS/NUV 3 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 0.7961 png,fits yes 397Gpix GALEX GR6 AIS (until March 2014)- NEAR UV
179 CDS/P/GALEXGR6/AIS/color 5 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 0.7979 png,jpeg color 398Gpix desktop,lite GALEX GR6 AIS (until March 2014)- Color composition
180 CDS/P/GALEXGR6_7/FUV 2 2022-03-15 9 equatorial 0.6721 png,fits 1Tpix GALEXGR6_7 FUV
181 CDS/P/GALEXGR6_7/NUV 2 2022-03-17 9 equatorial 0.788 png,fits 2Tpix GALEXGR6_7 NUV
182 CDS/P/GALEXGR6_7/color 2 2022-03-30 9 equatorial 0.7897 png color 788Gpix desktop,lite GALEX GR6/7 - Color composition
183 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/0001-001 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.001 < z < 0.01, 40 to 80 Mpc)
184 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/001-002 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.01 < z < 0.02, 40 to 80 Mpc)
185 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/002-003 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.02 < z < 0.03, 40 to 80 Mpc)
186 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/003-004 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.03 < z < 0.04, 40 to 80 Mpc)
187 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/004-005 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.04 < z < 0.05, 40 to 80 Mpc)
188 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/005-007 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.05 < z < 0.07, 40 to 80 Mpc)
189 CDS/P/GalaxyCounts/2MPZ/007-01 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 1 png,fits 2Mpix LIGO (0.07 < z < 0.1, 40 to 80 Mpc)
190 CDS/P/HGPS/Flux 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 0.03253 png color 8Mpix HGPS integral flux > 1 TeV
191 CDS/P/HGPS/Significance 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 0.03253 png color 8Mpix HGPS significance (Gaussian sigma)
192 CDS/P/HI 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Mpix HI composite survey
193 CDS/P/HI4PI/NHI 4 2019-05-22 3 galactic 1 png,fits 31Mpix HI4PI NHI survey (full-sky HI column density distribution)
194 CDS/P/HLA/B 2 2023-03-07 13 equatorial 3.888E-4 png,fits yes 199Gpix HLA-B : F450W, F439W, F438W, F435W
195 CDS/P/HLA/CO 2 2023-03-07 13 equatorial 7.813E-6 png,fits yes 4Gpix HLA-CO : F222M
196 CDS/P/HLA/H 2 2023-03-07 13 equatorial 3.290E-4 png,fits yes 168Gpix HLA-H : F160W
197 CDS/P/HLA/H2O 2 2023-03-08 13 equatorial 2.440E-5 png,fits yes 12Gpix HLA-H2O : F139M
198 CDS/P/HLA/Halpha 2 2023-03-08 13 equatorial 8.696E-5 png,fits yes 44Gpix HLA-Halpha : F656N and F657N
199 CDS/P/HLA/Hbeta 2 2023-03-08 13 equatorial 6.782E-6 png,fits yes 3Gpix HLA-Hbeta : F487N
200 CDS/P/HLA/I 2 2023-03-08 13 equatorial 0.001473 png,fits yes 753Gpix HLA-I : F814W, F791W, F785LP and F775W
201 CDS/P/HLA/J 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 1.120E-4 png,fits yes 57Gpix HLA-J : F140W, F125W, F125LP and F115LP
202 CDS/P/HLA/NII 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 1.046E-4 png,fits yes 53Gpix HLA-NII : F658N
203 CDS/P/HLA/OII 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 7.087E-6 png,fits yes 4Gpix HLA-OII : F375N and F373N
204 CDS/P/HLA/OIII 2 2023-03-08 13 equatorial 7.195E-5 png,fits yes 37Gpix HLA-OIII : F502N
205 CDS/P/HLA/Palpha 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 8.230E-6 png,fits yes 4Gpix HLA-Palpha : F187N
206 CDS/P/HLA/Palpha_c 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 8.442E-6 png,fits yes 4Gpix HLA-Palpha_c : F190N
207 CDS/P/HLA/R 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 1.565E-4 png,fits yes 80Gpix HLA-R : F702W and F675W
208 CDS/P/HLA/SDSSg 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 1.906E-4 png,fits yes 97Gpix HLA-SDSSg : F475W
209 CDS/P/HLA/SDSSr 2 2023-03-09 13 equatorial 8.686E-5 png,fits yes 44Gpix HLA-SDSSr : F625W and F622W
210 CDS/P/HLA/SDSSz 2 2023-03-10 13 equatorial 1.750E-4 png,fits yes 89Gpix HLA-SDSSz : F850LP
211 CDS/P/HLA/SIII 2 2023-03-10 13 equatorial 6.337E-5 png,fits yes 32Gpix HLA-SIII : F673N, FQ672N and FQ674N
212 CDS/P/HLA/U 2 2019-05-07 13 equatorial 4.011E-4 png,fits live yes 205Gpix HLA-U : F336W, F330W, F300W, F275W
213 CDS/P/HLA/UV 2 2019-05-07 13 equatorial 1.699E-5 png,fits live yes 9Gpix HLA-UV : F170W
214 CDS/P/HLA/V 2 2023-06-30 13 equatorial 3.957E-4 png,fits yes 202Gpix HLA-V : F555W, F547M, F569W
215 CDS/P/HLA/Y 2 2023-07-03 13 equatorial 2.011E-4 png,fits yes 103Gpix HLA-Y : F110W and F105W
216 CDS/P/HLA/wideUV 2 2019-05-07 13 equatorial 1.028E-4 png,fits live yes 53Gpix HLA-wideUV : F255W, F250W, F225W, F220W and F218W
217 CDS/P/HLA/wideV 2 2019-05-07 13 equatorial 0.001113 png,fits live yes 569Gpix HLA-wideV : F606W and F600LP
218 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/deep/color-i-r-g 2 2019-12-04 12 equatorial 8.149E-4 png color 52Gpix HSC DR2 deep color i-r-g
219 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/deep/g 2 2020-03-30 12 equatorial 8.395E-4 png,fits 107Gpix HSC DR2 deep g
220 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/deep/i 2 2020-10-20 12 equatorial 8.249E-4 png,fits 105Gpix HSC DR2 deep i
221 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/deep/r 2 2020-10-20 12 equatorial 8.358E-4 png,fits 107Gpix HSC DR2 deep r
222 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/deep/y 2 2020-01-14 12 equatorial 8.482E-4 png,fits yes 108Gpix HSC DR2 deep y
223 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/deep/z 2 2020-01-14 12 equatorial 8.670E-4 png,fits yes 111Gpix HSC DR2 deep z
224 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/wide/color-i-r-g 2 2019-12-04 12 equatorial 0.0177 jpeg color 1Tpix HSC DR2 wide color i-r-g
225 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/wide/g 2 2019-12-04 12 equatorial 0.02483 png,fits yes 3Tpix HSC DR2 wide g
226 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/wide/i 2 2020-01-06 12 equatorial 0.01958 png,fits yes 2Tpix HSC DR2 wide i
227 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/wide/r 2 2019-11-13 12 equatorial 0.02513 png,fits yes 3Tpix HSC DR2 wide r
228 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/wide/y 2 2020-03-05 12 equatorial 0.02276 png,fits yes 3Tpix HSC DR2 wide y
229 CDS/P/HSC/DR2/wide/z 2 2020-04-20 12 equatorial 0.02232 png,fits yes 3Tpix HSC DR2 wide z
230 CDS/P/HSCLA/2016/g 2 2022-08-04 12 equatorial 0.03167 png,fits yes 4Tpix HSCLA 2016 g
231 CDS/P/HSCLA/2016/i 2 2022-10-28 12 equatorial 0.0281 png,fits 4Tpix HSCLA 2016 i
232 CDS/P/HSCLA/2016/r 2 2022-09-16 12 equatorial 0.0463 png,fits yes 6Tpix HSCLA 2016 r
233 CDS/P/HSCLA/2016/y 2 2022-11-29 12 equatorial 0.004327 png,fits 553Gpix HSCLA 2016 y
234 CDS/P/HSCLA/2016/z 2 2022-11-22 12 equatorial 0.007234 png,fits 924Gpix HSCLA 2016 z
235 CDS/P/HST-programs/3D-DASH 2 2022-07-05 13 equatorial 4.778E-5 png,fits 24Gpix HST 3D-DASH
236 CDS/P/HST/B 2 2023-03-25 13 equatorial 1.852E-4 png,fits yes 95Gpix HST-B includes the following filters : F450W, F439W, F438W, F435W
237 CDS/P/HST/CO 2 2023-03-16 13 equatorial 5.156E-6 png,fits yes 3Gpix HST-CO includes the following filters: F222M
238 CDS/P/HST/EPO 2 2022-08-03 14 equatorial 8.115E-4 png color yes 830Gpix HST Outreach
239 CDS/P/HST/GOODS/b 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 2.223E-6 png,fits 5Gpix GOODS b
240 CDS/P/HST/GOODS/color 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 2.650E-6 png color 3Gpix GOODS color
241 CDS/P/HST/GOODS/i 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 2.628E-6 png,fits 5Gpix GOODS i
242 CDS/P/HST/GOODS/v 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 2.626E-6 png,fits 5Gpix GOODS v
243 CDS/P/HST/GOODS/z 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 2.512E-6 png,fits 5Gpix GOODS z
244 CDS/P/HST/H 2 2023-04-03 13 equatorial 2.197E-4 png,fits yes 112Gpix HST-H includes the following filters: F160W
245 CDS/P/HST/H2O 2 2023-03-17 13 equatorial 2.626E-5 png,fits yes 13Gpix HST-H2O includes the following filters: F139M
246 CDS/P/HST/Halpha 2 2023-03-21 13 equatorial 4.338E-5 png,fits yes 22Gpix HST-Halpha includes the following filters: F656N and F657N
247 CDS/P/HST/Hbeta 2 2023-03-27 13 equatorial 4.030E-6 png,fits yes 2Gpix HST-Hbeta includes the following filters: F487N
248 CDS/P/HST/I 2 2023-11-22 13 equatorial 8.109E-4 png,fits color yes 415Gpix HST-I includes the following filters: F814W, F791W, F785LP and F775W
249 CDS/P/HST/J 2 2023-03-18 13 equatorial 7.744E-5 png,fits yes 40Gpix HST-J includes the following filters: F140W, F125W, F125LP and F115LP
250 CDS/P/HST/NII 2 2023-03-17 13 equatorial 5.291E-5 png,fits yes 27Gpix HST-NII includes the following filters: F658N
251 CDS/P/HST/OII 2 2023-03-17 13 equatorial 3.080E-6 png,fits yes 2Gpix HST-OII includes the following filters: F375N and F373N
252 CDS/P/HST/OIII 2 2023-03-21 13 equatorial 3.143E-5 png,fits yes 16Gpix HST-OIII includes the following filters : F502N
253 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F110W 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 1.204E-5 png,jpeg,fits yes 37Gpix HST PHAT - F110W - WFC3/IR
254 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F160W 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 1.205E-5 png,jpeg,fits yes 37Gpix HST PHAT - F160W - WFC3/IR
255 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F275W 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 1.263E-5 png,jpeg,fits yes 39Gpix HST PHAT - F275W - WFC3/UVIS
256 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F336W 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 1.263E-5 png,jpeg,fits yes 39Gpix HST PHAT - F336W - WFC3/UVIS
257 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F475W 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 1.338E-5 png,jpeg,fits yes 41Gpix HST PHAT - F475W - ACS/WFC
258 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F814W 2 2019-05-05 14 equatorial 1.339E-5 png,jpeg,fits yes 41Gpix HST PHAT - F814W - ACS/WFC
259 CDS/P/HST/PHAT/color 2 2023-06-27 14 equatorial 1.369E-5 png color 14Gpix HST PHAT color
260 CDS/P/HST/Palpha 2 2023-03-16 13 equatorial 5.057E-6 png,fits yes 3Gpix HST-Palpha includes the following filters : F187N
261 CDS/P/HST/Palpha_c 2 2023-03-16 13 equatorial 5.273E-6 png,fits yes 3Gpix HST-Palpha_c includes the following filters : F190N
262 CDS/P/HST/R 2 2023-03-18 13 equatorial 4.555E-5 png,fits yes 23Gpix HST-R includes the following filters : F702W and F675W
263 CDS/P/HST/SDSSg 2 2023-03-19 13 equatorial 1.347E-4 png,fits yes 69Gpix HST-SDSSg incudes the following filters: F475W
264 CDS/P/HST/SDSSr 2 2023-03-20 13 equatorial 4.945E-5 png,fits yes 25Gpix HST-SDSSr includes the following filters: F625W and F622W
265 CDS/P/HST/SDSSz 2 2023-03-21 13 equatorial 9.537E-5 png,fits yes 49Gpix HST-SDSSz includes the following filters: F850LP
266 CDS/P/HST/SIII 2 2023-03-20 13 equatorial 1.689E-5 png,fits yes 9Gpix HST-SIII includes the following fiters: F673N, FQ672N and FQ674N
267 CDS/P/HST/U 2 2023-03-26 13 equatorial 2.183E-4 png,fits yes 112Gpix HST-U includes the following filters : F336W, F330W, F300W and F275W
268 CDS/P/HST/UV 2 2023-03-20 13 equatorial 7.121E-6 png,fits yes 4Gpix HST-UV includes the following filters: F170W
269 CDS/P/HST/V 2 2023-03-28 13 equatorial 1.088E-4 png,fits yes 56Gpix HST-V includes the following filters: F555W, F547M, F569W
270 CDS/P/HST/Y 2 2023-04-04 13 equatorial 1.363E-4 png,fits yes 70Gpix HST-Y includes the following filters: F110W and F105W
271 CDS/P/HST/other 2 2019-05-07 13 equatorial 1.295E-4 png,fits yes 66Gpix HST-Others includes the ALL the other filters not used in other HIPS
272 CDS/P/HST/wideUV 2 2023-06-29 13 equatorial 6.646E-5 png,fits yes 34Gpix HST-wideUV includes the following filters : F255W, F250W, F225W, F220W and F218W
273 CDS/P/HST/wideV 2 2023-04-20 13 equatorial 6.142E-4 png,fits yes 314Gpix HST-wideV includes the following filters: F606W and F600LP
274 CDS/P/Haslam408 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Mpix Haslam 408MHz
275 CDS/P/Haslam408/v2 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix Haslam 408Mhz reprocessed
276 CDS/P/INTGAL/35 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 0.3108 png,fits yes 155Mpix Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 17-35 keV Galactic Plane
277 CDS/P/INTGAL/60 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 0.3108 png,fits yes 155Mpix Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 17-60 keV Galactic Plane
278 CDS/P/INTGAL/80 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 0.3108 png,fits yes 155Mpix Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS 35-80 keV Galactic Plane
279 CDS/P/INTGAL/Color 2 2019-05-05 3 equatorial 0.3828 png,jpeg color 191Mpix Nine Year INTEGRAL IBIS Galactic Plane Color Composition (35-60-80KeV)
280 CDS/P/IPHAS/DR2/halpha 2 2019-05-21 11 equatorial 0.04503 png,fits yes 1Tpix IPHAS DR2 halpha
281 CDS/P/IPHAS/DR2/i 2 2019-05-21 11 equatorial 0.04448 png,fits yes 1Tpix IPHAS DR2 i
282 CDS/P/IPHAS/DR2/r 2 2019-05-21 11 equatorial 0.04504 png,fits yes 1Tpix IPHAS DR2 r
283 CDS/P/IRIS/color 5 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg color 62Mpix desktop,lite IRAS-IRIS HEALPix survey, color
284 CDS/P/ISOPHOT/170 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 0.4111 png,fits yes 3Gpix The ISOPHOT 170um Serendipity Survey
285 CDS/P/JPSPR1 2 2019-05-21 8 equatorial 0.002219 png,fits yes 1Gpix JPS-PR1 850um
286 CDS/P/JWST/Carina-Nebula/NIRCam 2 2022-07-13 14 equatorial 2.287E-7 png color yes 239Mpix Cosmic Cliffs in the Carina Nebula
287 CDS/P/JWST/Cartwheel/NIRCam-MIRI 2 2022-08-03 14 equatorial 4.221E-8 png color yes 44Mpix Cartwheel Galaxy
288 CDS/P/JWST/Deep-Field-SMAC0723/NIRCam 2 2022-07-11 14 equatorial 4.315E-8 png color yes 45Mpix Webb's First Deep Field SMAC 0723
289 CDS/P/JWST/EPO 2 2024-06-26 14 equatorial 8.338E-6 png color yes 9Gpix JWST Outreach images
290 CDS/P/JWST/F115W 2 2023-05-05 14 equatorial 1.426E-5 png,fits yes 29Gpix JWST F115W (beta)
291 CDS/P/JWST/F150W 2 2023-05-05 14 equatorial 1.798E-5 png,fits yes 37Gpix JWST F150W (beta)
292 CDS/P/JWST/F200W 2 2023-05-05 14 equatorial 1.022E-5 png,fits yes 21Gpix JWST F200W (beta)
293 CDS/P/JWST/F210M 2 2023-05-05 14 equatorial 2.066E-6 png,fits yes 4Gpix JWST F210M (beta)
294 CDS/P/JWST/F212N 2 2023-05-06 14 equatorial 5.449E-6 png,fits yes 11Gpix JWST F212N (beta)
295 CDS/P/JWST/F444W 2 2023-05-06 14 equatorial 1.703E-5 png,fits yes 35Gpix JWST F444W (beta)
296 CDS/P/JWST/F480M 2 2023-05-06 14 equatorial 5.694E-6 png,fits yes 12Gpix JWST F480M (beta)
297 CDS/P/JWST/First-Images 2 2022-08-03 14 equatorial 6.398E-7 png color yes 670Mpix JWST First Images
298 CDS/P/JWST/OPEN 2 2023-05-06 14 equatorial 8.269E-7 png,fits yes 2Gpix JWST OPEN (beta)
299 CDS/P/JWST/Southern-Ring-Nebula/NIRCam 2 2022-07-13 14 equatorial 4.563E-8 png color yes 48Mpix Southern Ring Nebula
300 CDS/P/JWST/Stephans-Quintet/MIRI 2 2022-07-13 12 equatorial 1.788E-7 png color yes 12Mpix Stephans Quintet MIRI
301 CDS/P/JWST/Stephans-Quintet/NIRCam-MIRI 2 2022-07-13 14 equatorial 2.800E-7 png color yes 293Mpix Stephans-Quintet NIRCam+MIRI
302 CDS/P/KiDS/DR5/color-gri 2 2023-05-03 11 equatorial 0.03263 png color 521Gpix KiDS color gri
303 CDS/P/KiDS/DR5/color-ug 2 2023-05-03 10 equatorial 0.03286 png color 131Gpix KiDS color ug
304 CDS/P/KiDZ/DR5/color-gri 2 2023-05-11 11 equatorial 5.795E-4 png color 9Gpix KiDZ color gri
305 CDS/P/KiDZ/DR5/color-ug 2 2023-05-11 10 equatorial 6.170E-4 png color 2Gpix KiDZ color ug
306 CDS/P/MAMA/ColorEJ 2 2019-05-21 10 equatorial 0.3012 png color 1Tpix MAMA color composition (posse,srcj)
307 CDS/P/MAMA/posse 2 2019-05-21 10 equatorial 0.3012 png,fits yes 2Tpix MAMA posse
308 CDS/P/MAMA/srcj 2 2019-05-21 10 equatorial 0.5241 png,fits yes 4Tpix MAMA srcj
309 CDS/P/MATLAS/color 2 2020-12-15 12 equatorial 0.007406 png color 473Gpix MATLAS color (filters i, r, g)
310 CDS/P/MATLAS/g 2 2020-12-29 12 equatorial 0.007461 fits,png 953Gpix MATLAS g
311 CDS/P/MATLAS/i 2 2020-12-30 12 equatorial 0.003943 fits,png 504Gpix MATLAS i
312 CDS/P/MATLAS/r 2 2020-12-30 12 equatorial 0.007488 fits,png 957Gpix MATLAS r
313 CDS/P/MSX/A 2 2020-11-25 7 equatorial 0.1454 png,fits yes 18Gpix MSX A (8.28 um)
314 CDS/P/MSX/C 2 2020-11-25 7 equatorial 0.1457 png,fits yes 18Gpix MSX C (12.13 um)
315 CDS/P/MSX/D 2 2020-11-25 7 equatorial 0.1434 png,fits yes 18Gpix MSX D (14.65 um)
316 CDS/P/MSX/E 2 2020-11-25 7 equatorial 0.145 png,fits yes 18Gpix MSX E (21.3 um)
317 CDS/P/MSX/color 2 2020-10-14 7 equatorial 0.1456 png color 9Gpix MSX color (from bands E, D, A)
318 CDS/P/MeerKAT/Galactic-Centre-1284MHz-StokesI 2 2022-02-01 9 equatorial 1.751E-4 png,fits 358Mpix MeerKAT Galactic Centre 1284MHz StokesI
319 CDS/P/MeerKAT/Galactic-Centre-spectral-index 2 2022-02-01 9 equatorial 1.554E-4 png,fits 318Mpix MeerKAT Galactic Centre spectral index
320 CDS/P/Mellinger/color 3 2019-05-05 4 galactic 1 jpeg color 998Mpix desktop,lite Mellinger color optical survey
321 CDS/P/NEOWISER/Color 3 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 1 png color 250Gpix NEOWISER color Red (W2) , Blue (W1)
322 CDS/P/NEOWISER/W1 2 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix NEOWISER W1
323 CDS/P/NEOWISER/W2 2 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix NEOWISER W2
324 CDS/P/NVSS 5 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 0.8242 jpeg,fits 6Gpix desktop NVSS - The NRAO VLA Sky Survey (intensity maps)
325 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/CMB 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK Maps of the CMB fluctuations.
326 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI/color 4 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg color 62Mpix PLANCK R2 HFI color composition 353-545-857 GHz
327 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI100 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 100Ghz
328 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI143 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 143Ghz
329 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI217 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 217Ghz
330 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI353 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 353Ghz
331 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI545 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 545Ghz
332 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI857 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency HFI map 857Ghz
333 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/LFI/color 5 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 jpeg color 16Mpix PLANCK R2 LFI color composition 30-44-70 GHz
334 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/LFI030 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 31Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency LFI map 30 Ghz
335 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/LFI044 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 31Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency LFI map 44 Ghz
336 CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/LFI070 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R2 nominal frequency LFI map 70Ghz
337 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/CMB 2 2022-11-04 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK Map of the CMB fluctuations
338 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI/color 2 2022-11-07 3 galactic 1 png color 16Mpix PLANCK R3 HFI color composition 353-545-857 GHz
339 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI100 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency HFI map 100 GHz
340 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI143 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency HFI map 143 GHz
341 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI217 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency HFI map 217 GHz
342 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI353 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency HFI map 353 GHz
343 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI545 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency HFI map 545 GHz
344 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/HFI857 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 125Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency HFI map 857 GHz
345 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/LFI/color 2 2022-11-07 3 galactic 1 png color 16Mpix PLANCK R3 LFI Color composition 30-44-70 GHz
346 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/LFI30 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 31Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency LFI map 30 GHz
347 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/LFI44 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 31Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency LFI map 44 GHz
348 CDS/P/PLANCK/R3/LFI70 2 2022-10-26 3 galactic 1 png,fits 31Mpix PLANCK R3 frequency LFI map 70 GHz
349 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/color-i-r-g 2 2019-11-21 11 equatorial 0.7639 jpeg color 12Tpix PanSTARRS DR1 color (i, r, g)
350 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/color-z-zg-g 2 2019-05-20 11 equatorial 0.7812 jpeg color 12Tpix desktop,lite PanSTARRS DR1 color (from bands z and g)
351 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/g 2 2022-02-10 11 equatorial 0.7582 fits,jpeg,png yes 35Tpix desktop,lite PanSTARRS DR1 g
352 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/i 2 2019-07-01 11 equatorial 0.7628 fits,jpeg,png 36Tpix PanSTARRS DR1 i
353 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/r 2 2019-11-12 11 equatorial 0.7595 fits,jpeg,png yes 36Tpix PanSTARRS DR1 r
354 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/y 2 2019-07-04 11 equatorial 0.7617 fits,jpeg,png 36Tpix PanSTARRS DR1 y
355 CDS/P/PanSTARRS/DR1/z 2 2019-05-20 11 equatorial 0.7615 fits,jpeg,png 36Tpix desktop,lite PanSTARRS DR1 z
356 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/I/11GHz 2 2023-01-10 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 11GHz Intensity
357 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/I/13GHz 2 2023-01-10 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 13GHz Intensity
358 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/I/17GHz 2 2023-01-10 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 17GHz Intensity
359 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/I/19GHz 2 2023-01-10 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 19GHz Intensity
360 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/P/11GHz 2 2023-01-14 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 11GHz Polarization
361 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/P/13GHz 2 2023-01-14 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 13GHz Polarization
362 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/P/17GHz 2 2023-01-14 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 17GHz Polarization
363 CDS/P/QUIJOTE/DR1/MFI/P/19GHz 2 2023-01-14 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix QUIJOTE MFI DR1 19GHz Polarization
364 CDS/P/Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust/PACS100 2 2022-07-06 8 equatorial 0.01018 png,fits yes 5Gpix Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust PACS100
365 CDS/P/Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust/PACS160 2 2022-07-06 8 equatorial 0.01017 png,fits yes 5Gpix Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust PACS160
366 CDS/P/Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust/SPIRE250 2 2022-07-06 7 equatorial 0.01147 png,fits yes 1Gpix Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust SPIRE250
367 CDS/P/Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust/SPIRE350 2 2022-07-08 6 equatorial 0.02484 png,fits yes 794Mpix Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust SPIRE350
368 CDS/P/Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust/SPIRE500 2 2022-07-11 6 equatorial 0.02482 png,fits yes 793Mpix Quest-for-the-Missing-Dust SPIRE500
369 CDS/P/RASS 2 2019-05-05 4 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 2Gpix ROSAT X-Ray All-Sky Survey
370 CDS/P/ROSATWFC/F1 2 2019-05-20 3 equatorial 0.9714 png,fits yes 485Mpix ROSAT Wide Field Camera F1 (15-27 PHz)
371 CDS/P/ROSATWFC/F2 2 2019-05-20 3 equatorial 0.9714 png,fits yes 485Mpix ROSAT Wide Field Camera F2 (21-50 PHz)
372 CDS/P/ROSATWFC/color 2 2019-05-20 3 equatorial 0.9714 png color 242Mpix ROSAT Wide Field Camera Color composition
373 CDS/P/SCUBA/450em 2 2019-05-05 8 equatorial 0.003081 jpeg,fits 2Gpix SCUBA 450um emission maps
374 CDS/P/SCUBA/850em 2 2019-05-05 7 equatorial 0.003577 jpeg,fits 457Mpix SCUBA 850um emission maps
375 CDS/P/SCUBA/850emi 2 2019-05-05 7 equatorial 0.003953 jpeg,fits 505Mpix SCUBA 850um emission maps - extended dataset
376 CDS/P/SCUBA2/450em 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 0.02216 png,jpeg,fits yes 66Gpix SCUBA2 450um
377 CDS/P/SCUBA2/850em 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 0.02454 png,jpeg,fits yes 74Gpix SCUBA2 850um
378 CDS/P/SDSS9/color 5 2019-05-05 10 equatorial 0.3562 jpeg color yes 1Tpix desktop,lite SDSS9 color
379 CDS/P/SDSS9/color-alt 3 2019-05-05 10 equatorial 0.3562 png color 1Tpix desktop SDSS9 color (g, r, i CDS color composition)
380 CDS/P/SDSS9/g 2 2019-05-06 10 equatorial 0.3786 png,jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix SDSS9 band g
381 CDS/P/SDSS9/i 2 2019-05-06 10 equatorial 0.3562 png,jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix SDSS9 band i
382 CDS/P/SDSS9/r 2 2019-05-05 10 equatorial 0.3786 png,jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix SDSS9 band r
383 CDS/P/SDSS9/u 2 2019-05-05 10 equatorial 0.3786 png,jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix SDSS9 band u
384 CDS/P/SDSS9/z 2 2019-05-05 10 equatorial 0.3786 png,jpeg,fits yes 4Tpix SDSS9 band z
385 CDS/P/SHASSA/DU 2 2019-05-05 4 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Gpix SHASSA DU - Continuum
386 CDS/P/SHASSA/FL 2 2019-05-05 4 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Gpix SHASSA FL - Continuum subtract.
387 CDS/P/SHASSA/H 2 2019-05-05 4 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Gpix SHASSA H - H-alpha emission
388 CDS/P/SHASSA/SM 2 2019-05-05 4 galactic 0.6432 png,jpeg,fits 2Gpix SHASSA SM - Continuum subtract.
389 CDS/P/SHS 3 2019-05-07 10 equatorial 0.09776 png,jpeg,fits yes 1Tpix SHS - digitized H-alpha photographic survey
390 CDS/P/SPITZER/IRAC1 3 2019-05-05 9 galactic 0.01449 jpeg,fits 29Gpix IRAC1 survey in Healpix
391 CDS/P/SPITZER/IRAC2 3 2019-05-05 9 galactic 0.01448 jpeg,fits 29Gpix IRAC2 survey in Healpix
392 CDS/P/SPITZER/IRAC3 3 2019-05-05 9 galactic 0.01447 jpeg,fits 29Gpix IRAC3 survey in Healpix
393 CDS/P/SPITZER/IRAC4 2 2023-04-18 9 galactic 0.01448 png,jpeg,fits 43Gpix IRAC4 survey in Healpix
394 CDS/P/SPITZER/MIPS1 2 2023-04-18 8 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Gpix MIPS1 survey in Healpix
395 CDS/P/SPITZER/MIPS2 2 2023-04-17 7 equatorial 0.00943 png,jpeg,fits 2Gpix MIPS2 survey in Healpix
396 CDS/P/SPITZER/MIPS3 2 2023-04-17 6 equatorial 0.007965 png,jpeg,fits 382Mpix MIPS3 survey in Healpix
397 CDS/P/SPITZER/color 3 2019-05-05 9 galactic 0.01215 jpeg color 12Gpix desktop,lite IRAC HEALPix survey, color
398 CDS/P/SUMSS 3 2019-05-05 6 equatorial 0.2513 png,fits yes 8Gpix SUMSS (843 MHz)
399 CDS/P/Skymapper-color-IRG 2 2019-10-16 9 equatorial 0.508 jpeg color 507Gpix Skymapper color (red-I,green-R,blue-G)
400 CDS/P/TESS/2yr 2 2020-12-10 5 equatorial 0.7607 png,fits yes 6Gpix TESS 2yr
401 CDS/P/THOR/HI 2 2020-03-05 6 equatorial 0.003779 png,fits yes 121Mpix THOR HI
402 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/1060 2 2020-03-03 6 equatorial 0.004425 png,fits yes 141Mpix THOR continuum 1060 MHz
403 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/1310 2 2020-03-03 6 equatorial 0.004288 png,fits yes 137Mpix THOR continuum 1310 MHz
404 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/1440 2 2020-03-03 6 equatorial 0.004267 png,fits yes 136Mpix THOR continuum 1440 MHz
405 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/1690 2 2020-03-03 6 equatorial 0.004145 png,fits yes 132Mpix THOR continuum 1690 MHz
406 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/1820 2 2020-03-04 6 equatorial 0.004069 png,fits yes 130Mpix THOR continuum 1820 MHz
407 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/1950 2 2020-03-04 6 equatorial 0.003932 png,fits yes 126Mpix THOR continuum 1950 MHz
408 CDS/P/THOR/continuum/color 2 2020-03-04 6 equatorial 0.005249 png color 84Mpix THOR continuum color (from 1060, 1690 and 1950 MHz observations)
409 CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/H 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 6.103E-5 jpeg,fits 8Gpix ULTRAVISTA H
410 CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/J 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 6.103E-5 jpeg,fits 8Gpix ULTRAVISTA J
411 CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/Ks 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 6.103E-5 jpeg,fits 8Gpix ULTRAVISTA Ks
412 CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/NB118 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 5.213E-5 jpeg,fits 7Gpix ULTRAVISTA NB118
413 CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/Y 2 2019-05-05 12 equatorial 6.103E-5 jpeg,fits 8Gpix ULTRAVISTA Y
414 CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/color/KsJY 2 2020-02-08 12 equatorial 4.519E-5 png color 3Gpix ULTRAVISTA color KsJY
415 CDS/P/VISIONS/DR2/H 2 2024-04-11 11 equatorial 0.001055 png,fits 34Gpix VISIONS DR2 H band
416 CDS/P/VISIONS/DR2/J 2 2024-04-11 11 equatorial 9.425E-5 png,fits 3Gpix VISIONS DR2 J band
417 CDS/P/VISIONS/DR2/Ks 2 2024-04-12 11 equatorial 9.425E-5 png,fits 3Gpix VISIONS DR2 Ks band
418 CDS/P/VISIONS/DR2/color 2 2024-04-11 11 equatorial 9.425E-5 png color 2Gpix VISIONS DR2 color (from bands Ks, H, J)
419 CDS/P/VISTA/VIKING/H 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.02492 png,fits yes 796Gpix VISTA VIKING H
420 CDS/P/VISTA/VIKING/J 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.02438 png,fits yes 779Gpix VISTA VIKING J
421 CDS/P/VISTA/VIKING/K 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.0249 png,fits yes 796Gpix VISTA VIKING K
422 CDS/P/VISTA/VIKING/Y 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.02457 png,fits yes 785Gpix VISTA VIKING Y
423 CDS/P/VISTA/VIKING/Z 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.02466 png,fits yes 788Gpix VISTA VIKING Z
424 CDS/P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/ColorJYZ 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.01373 png color 219Gpix VISTA DR4 ColorJYZ
425 CDS/P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/H/Bulge 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.007692 png,fits yes 246Gpix VISTA VVV DR4 H Bulge
426 CDS/P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/H/Disk 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.006093 png,fits yes 195Gpix VISTA VVV DR4 H Disk
427 CDS/P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/J 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.01382 png,fits yes 442Gpix VISTA VVV DR4 J
428 CDS/P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/Y 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.01382 png,fits yes 442Gpix VISTA VVV DR4 Y
429 CDS/P/VISTA/VVV/DR4/Z 2 2019-05-05 11 equatorial 0.01382 png,fits yes 442Gpix VISTA VVV DR4 Z
430 CDS/P/VLSSr 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 0.8584 png,fits yes 7Gpix VLSSr - 74 MHz continuum
431 CDS/P/VPHAS/DR4/Halpha 2 2024-04-14 11 equatorial 0.04884 png,fits 2Tpix VPHAS+ DR4 Halpha filter
432 CDS/P/VPHAS/DR4/color 2 2024-09-06 11 equatorial 0.0486 png color 776Gpix VPHAS+ DR4 color (from bands Halpha, u, g, r, i)
433 CDS/P/VPHAS/DR4/g 2 2024-05-21 11 equatorial 0.0487 png,fits 2Tpix VPHAS+ DR4 g filter
434 CDS/P/VPHAS/DR4/i 2 2024-06-12 11 equatorial 0.04882 png,fits 2Tpix VPHAS+ DR4 i filter
435 CDS/P/VPHAS/DR4/r 2 2024-07-19 11 equatorial 0.04888 png,fits 2Tpix VPHAS+ DR4 r filter
436 CDS/P/VPHAS/DR4/u 2 2024-08-19 11 equatorial 0.04858 png,fits 2Tpix VPHAS+ DR4 u filter
437 CDS/P/VTSS/Ha 3 2019-06-18 3 galactic 0.32813 png,jpeg,fits 246Mpix VTSS Ha
438 CDS/P/VTSS/HaCC 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 0.3164 png,jpeg,fits 237Mpix VTSS HaCC - Continuum corrected Halpha
439 CDS/P/VistaOrion/color 2 2019-05-05 9 equatorial 5.337E-4 png color 2Gpix VISTA Orion A color
440 CDS/P/WENSS 3 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 0.2684 png,jpeg,fits 3Gpix The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey
441 CDS/P/WISE/W1 2 2019-05-07 5 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Gpix WISE W1 (3.4um)
442 CDS/P/WISE/W2 2 2019-05-07 5 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Gpix WISE W2 (4.6um)
443 CDS/P/WISE/W3 2 2019-05-07 5 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Gpix WISE W3 (12um)
444 CDS/P/WISE/W4 2 2019-05-07 5 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 8Gpix WISE W4 (22um)
445 CDS/P/WISE/WSSA/12um 2 2019-05-05 7 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Diffuse dust 12um WSSA (Meisner & Finkbeiner 2013)
446 CDS/P/WMAP/K/9yr 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix WMAP K - 9yr
447 CDS/P/WMAP/Ka/9yr 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix WMAP Ka - 9yr
448 CDS/P/WMAP/Q/9yr 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix WMAP Q - 9yr
449 CDS/P/WMAP/V/9yr 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix WMAP V - 9yr
450 CDS/P/WMAP/W/9yr 2 2019-05-05 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix WMAP W - 9yr
451 CDS/P/ZTF/DR7/color 2 2021-10-05 9 equatorial 0.7332 png color 732Gpix ZTF DR7 color
452 CDS/P/ZTF/DR7/g 2 2021-09-18 9 equatorial 0.7155 png,fits yes 1Tpix ZTF DR7 g
453 CDS/P/ZTF/DR7/i 2 2021-09-21 9 equatorial 0.4298 png,fits yes 858Gpix ZTF DR7 i
454 CDS/P/ZTF/DR7/r 2 2021-09-20 9 equatorial 0.7193 png,fits yes 1Tpix ZTF DR7 r
455 CDS/P/allWISE/W1 3 2019-05-20 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix AllWISE W1 (3.4um) from raw Atlas Images
456 CDS/P/allWISE/W2 3 2019-05-20 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix AllWISE W2 (4.6um) from raw Atlas Images
457 CDS/P/allWISE/W3 3 2019-05-20 8 equatorial 0.9999 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix AllWISE W3 (12um) from raw Atlas Images
458 CDS/P/allWISE/W4 3 2019-05-20 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix AllWISE W4 (22um) from raw Atlas Images
459 CDS/P/allWISE/color 6 2019-05-20 8 equatorial 1 jpeg color 250Gpix desktop,lite AllWISE color Red (W4) , Green (W2) , Blue (W1) from raw Atlas Images
460 CDS/P/skymapper-G 2 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 0.5046 png,fits yes 1008Gpix Skymapper G-band
461 CDS/P/skymapper-I 2 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 0.4917 png,fits yes 982Gpix Skymapper I-band
462 CDS/P/skymapper-R 2 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 0.5 png,fits yes 998Gpix Skymapper R-band
463 CDS/P/skymapper-U 2 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 0.4605 png,fits yes 920Gpix Skymapper U-band
464 CDS/P/skymapper-V 2 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 0.4499 png,fits yes 898Gpix Skymapper V-band
465 CDS/P/skymapper-Z 2 2019-05-07 9 equatorial 0.496 png,fits yes 990Gpix Skymapper Z-band
466 CDS/P/unWISE/W1 2 2022-12-13 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix unWISE W1 (3.4um)
467 CDS/P/unWISE/W2 2 2022-12-13 8 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 499Gpix unWISE W2 (4.6um)
468 CDS/P/unWISE/color-W2-W1W2-W1 2 2022-12-12 8 equatorial 1 jpeg color 250Gpix unWISE color, from W2 and W1 bands
469 CEFCA/j-pas/J-PAS-EDR/P 2024-11-20 11 equatorial 4.462E-4 jpeg color yes 7Gpix J-PAS-EDR (November, 2024)
470 CEFCA/j-plus/J-PLUS-DR1/P 3 2018-07-17 10 equatorial 0.08209 jpeg color 328Gpix J-PLUS-DR1 (July, 2018)
471 CEFCA/j-plus/J-PLUS-DR2/P 3 2020-07-28 10 equatorial 0.05503 jpeg color 220Gpix J-PLUS-DR2 (July, 2020)
472 CEFCA/j-plus/J-PLUS-DR3/P 3 2022-07-01 10 equatorial 0.08209 jpeg color 328Gpix J-PLUS-DR3 (July, 2022)
473 CEFCA/jnep/J-NEP-PDR202107/I 2021-07-15 0pix
474 CEFCA/minijpas/MINIJ-PAS-PDR201912/P 3 2019-12-02 11 equatorial 2.801E-5 jpeg color 458Mpix MINIJ-PAS-PDR201912 (December, 2019)
475 CSIRO/P/RACS/low/I 3 2021-06-15 8 equatorial 0.8391 png,fits 419Gpix Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey Epoch 1 Low Stokes I (887.5 MHz)
476 CSIRO/P/RACS/mid/I 3 2023-06-14 8 equatorial 0.8808 png,fits yes 440Gpix Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey Epoch 1 Mid Stokes I (1367.5 MHz)
477 China-VO/P/BASS/DR1/image 3 2017-10-25 10 equatorial 0.1238 png color 494Gpix Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR1 Image
478 China-VO/P/BASS/DR2/image 3 2017-12-07 10 equatorial 0.1415 png color 565Gpix Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR2 Image
479 China-VO/P/BASS/DR3/image 2019-07-16 10 equatorial 0.1502 png color 600Gpix Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR3 Image
480 China-VO/P/Change2/moon/7m/DOM 3 2019-02-03 0 equatorial 0.9964 png,fits 8Mpix Lunar DOM 7M
481 ESAVO/P/AKARI/N160 3 2019-07-31 7 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI Far-Infrared All-Sky Survey - Band N160 (160 micron)
482 ESAVO/P/AKARI/N60 3 2019-07-31 7 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI Far-Infrared All-Sky Survey - Band N60 (65 micron)
483 ESAVO/P/AKARI/WideL 3 2019-07-31 7 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI Far-Infrared All-Sky Survey - Band WideL (140 micron)
484 ESAVO/P/AKARI/WideS 3 2019-07-31 7 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI Far-Infrared All-Sky Survey - Band WideS (90 micron)
485 ESAVO/P/AKARI/color 3 2019-07-31 7 galactic 1 jpeg color 250Mpix AKARI Far-Infrared All-Sky Survey - Color composition (blue: N60; green: WideS; red: WideL)
486 ESAVO/P/EXOSAT/all 3 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.1054 png,jpeg,fits yes 316Gpix desktop Images from the EXOSAT Low Energy Telescopes
487 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS-color 5 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.0835 jpeg color 83Gpix desktop Herschel PACS (color composition)
488 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS100 3 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.03605 png,jpeg,fits yes 108Gpix desktop Herschel PACS 100 micron
489 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS100norm 3 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.02426 png,fits yes 48Gpix desktop PACS100norm
490 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS160 3 2019-07-31 8 equatorial 0.08346 png,jpeg,fits yes 62Gpix desktop Herschel PACS 160 micron
491 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS160norm 3 2019-07-31 8 equatorial 0.06995 png,fits yes 35Gpix desktop PACS160norm
492 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS70 3 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.04222 png,jpeg,fits yes 126Gpix desktop Herschel PACS 70 micron
493 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS70norm 3 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.05145 png,fits yes 103Gpix desktop PACS70norm
494 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/PACS_RGB_norm 3 2019-07-31 9 equatorial 0.05599 png color 56Gpix desktop PACS_RGB_norm
495 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-250 3 2019-07-31 7 equatorial 0.1544 png,fits live yes 19Gpix desktop SPIRE250
496 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-350 3 2019-07-31 6 equatorial 0.2489 png,fits live yes 8Gpix desktop SPIRE350
497 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-500 3 2019-07-31 5 equatorial 0.4578 png,fits live yes 4Gpix desktop Herschel SPIRE 500 micron
498 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE-color 3 2019-07-31 7 equatorial 0.4582 png,jpeg color 57Gpix desktop Herschel SPIRE (color composition)
499 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE250norm 3 2019-07-31 7 equatorial 0.08737 png,fits yes 11Gpix desktop SPIRE250norm
500 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE350norm 3 2019-07-31 6 equatorial 0.08985 png,fits yes 3Gpix desktop SPIRE350norm
501 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE500norm 3 2019-07-31 5 equatorial 0.09361 png,fits yes 748Mpix desktop SPIRE500norm
502 ESAVO/P/HERSCHEL/SPIRE_RGBnorm 3 2019-07-31 7 equatorial 0.1567 png color 10Gpix desktop SPIRE_RGBnorm
503 ESAVO/P/HST/ACS-blue 3 2016-11-11 14 equatorial 5.972E-4 jpeg color 611Gpix HST/ACS - all bands
504 ESAVO/P/HST/FOC 3 2016-08-26 15 equatorial 1.011E-6 jpeg color 4Gpix HST/FOC - all bands
505 ESAVO/P/HST/NICMOS 3 2016-08-28 16 equatorial 3.699E-5 jpeg color 605Gpix HST/NICMOS - all bands
506 ESAVO/P/HST/WFC3 3 2016-09-30 14 equatorial 2.035E-4 jpeg color 208Gpix HST/WFC3 - all bands
507 ESAVO/P/HST/WFPC 3 2016-08-26 12 equatorial 7.292E-5 jpeg color 5Gpix HST/WFPC - all bands
508 ESAVO/P/HST/WFPC2 3 2016-12-02 13 equatorial 7.792E-4 jpeg color 199Gpix HST/WFPC2 - all bands
509 ESAVO/P/Haslam408 3 2019-07-31 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix Haslam 408MHz
510 ESAVO/P/Haslam_2014 3 2019-07-31 3 galactic 1 png,fits 8Mpix Haslam_2014
511 ESAVO/P/Herschel/color 3 2019-07-31 8 equatorial 0.4524 png color 113Gpix Herschel RGB color composition
512 ESAVO/P/INTEGRAL/20-35kev 3 2019-07-23 3 equatorial 0.8379 png,jpeg,fits yes 627Mpix desktop INTEGRAL IBIS 20-35 keV
513 ESAVO/P/INTEGRAL/35-65kev 3 2019-07-23 3 equatorial 0.8535 png,jpeg,fits yes 639Mpix desktop INTEGRAL IBIS 35-65 keV
514 ESAVO/P/INTEGRAL/65-100kev 3 2019-07-23 3 equatorial 0.8528 png,jpeg,fits yes 639Mpix desktop INTEGRAL IBIS 65-100 keV
515 ESAVO/P/INTEGRAL/color 3 2019-07-23 3 equatorial 0.944 jpeg color 236Mpix desktop INTEGRAL IBIS color composition (Blue: 20-35 keV; green: 35-65 keV; reg: 65-100 keV)
516 ESAVO/P/ISO/CAM 3 2019-07-31 8 equatorial 0.008198 png,jpeg,fits yes 6Gpix desktop ISOCAM
517 ESAVO/P/JWST/MIRI_Coronagraphic_Imaging 2024-07-15 15 equatorial 3.492E-8 png yes 146Mpix JWST MIRI_Coronagraphic_Imaging
518 ESAVO/P/JWST/NIRCam_Coronagraphic_Imaging 2024-07-15 15 equatorial 1.694E-7 png yes 709Mpix JWST NIRCam_Coronagraphic_Imaging
519 ESAVO/P/JWST/NIRCam_Imaging 2024-07-15 15 equatorial 3.447E-5 png,fits yes 282Gpix JWST NIRCam_Imaging
520 ESAVO/P/JWST/NIRISS_Imaging 2024-08-09 15 equatorial 1.607E-6 png,fits yes 13Gpix JWST NIRISS_Imaging
521 ESAVO/P/JWST/P/MIRI_Imaging 2024-07-13 13 equatorial 3.482E-5 png,fits 18Gpix JWST P MIRI_Imaging
522 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-100 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 100 GHz
523 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-143 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 143 GHz
524 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-143-smooth 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 100 GHz smooth
525 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-217 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 217 GHz
526 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-353 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 353 GHz
527 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-353-smooth 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 353 GHz smooth
528 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-545 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 545 GHz
529 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/HFI-857 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 62Mpix Planck HFI 857 GHz
530 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/LFI-030 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 16Mpix Planck LFI 30 GHz
531 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/LFI-044 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 16Mpix Planck LFI 44 GHz
532 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/LFI-044-smooth 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 16Mpix Planck LFI 44 GHz smooth
533 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/LFI-070 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 16Mpix Planck LFI 70 GHz
534 ESAVO/P/PLANCK/LFI-070-smooth 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 16Mpix Planck LFI 70 GHz smooth
535 ESAVO/P/Planck-2015-Pol-Dust 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 16Mpix Planck-2015-Pol-Dust
536 ESAVO/P/Planck-2015-Pol-Synchrotron 3 2019-08-07 3 galactic 1 png 4Mpix Planck-2015-Pol-Synchrotron
537 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC1-bright 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03341 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC1 bright
538 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC1-faint 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03341 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC1 faint
539 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC134-RGB-bright 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03719 png color 149Gpix Spitzer IRAC134 RGB bright
540 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC2-bright 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03327 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC2 bright
541 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC2-faint 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03327 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC2 faint
542 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC3-bright 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03338 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC3 bright
543 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC3-faint 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.03338 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC3 faint
544 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC4-bright 3 2019-08-08 10 equatorial 0.0333 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC4 bright
545 ESAVO/P/Spitzer/IRAC4-faint 3 2019-08-07 10 equatorial 0.0333 png 133Gpix Spitzer IRAC4 faint
546 ESDC/P/XMM/EPIC-RGB 2024-08-26 7 equatorial 0.09165 jpeg color 6Gpix XMM-Newton EPIC (RGB composition)
547 ESDC/P/XMM/OM-OPTICAL 2024-08-20 9 equatorial 0.006056 jpeg color 6Gpix XMM-Newton OM Optical (RGB composition)
548 ESDC/P/XMM/OM-UV 2024-08-21 10 equatorial 0.01321 jpeg color 53Gpix XMM-Newton OM UV (RGB composition)
549 IPAC/P/GLIMPSE360 2024-11-12 9 equatorial 0.0322 jpeg color 32Gpix lite Spitzer color GLIMPSE360 Red (IRAC Ch 2), Blue (IRAC Ch 1)
550 JAXA/P/AKARI/FIS/Image/AllSky/Map 2021-04-05 5 equatorial 1 png color 4Gpix AKARI FIS N60/WideS/WideL image
551 JAXA/P/AKARI/FIS/Image/AllSky/Map/forBrightSource 2021-04-05 5 equatorial 1 png color 4Gpix AKARI FIS N60/WideS/WideL image
552 JAXA/P/AKARI/IRC/Image/Pointed/POI 2020-03-02 9 equatorial 0.007714 png color 8Gpix AKARI IRC RGB
553 JAXA/P/ASCA/GIS/Image 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 0.264 png color 4Gpix ASCA public data image (256x256)
554 JAXA/P/ASCA/GIS/Image/64 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 0.01367 png color 218Mpix ASCA public data image (64x64)
555 JAXA/P/ASCA/SIS/Image 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 0.2028 png color 3Gpix ASCA public data image (SIS)
556 JAXA/P/BICE/Image 2020-03-02 3 equatorial 0.02621 png,fits yes 13Mpix ID1490928593
557 JAXA/P/CONSTELLATIONS/Image/Drawing/Color 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 1 png color 16Gpix CONSTELLATIONS3
558 JAXA/P/CONSTELLATIONS/Image/Drawing/Monochrome 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 1 png color 16Gpix CONSTELLATIONS1
559 JAXA/P/CONSTELLATIONS/Image/Lines 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 0.1452 png color 2Gpix CONSTELLATIONS5
560 JAXA/P/CONSTELLATIONS/Image/Painting/Color 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 0.7488 png color 12Gpix CONSTELLATIONS4
561 JAXA/P/CONSTELLATIONS/Image/Painting/KAGAYA 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 1 png color 16Gpix CONSTELLATIONS6
562 JAXA/P/CONSTELLATIONS/Image/Painting/Monochrome 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 1 png color 16Gpix CONSTELLATIONS2
563 JAXA/P/HITOMI/HXI/Image 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 4.882E-4 png color 8Mpix Hitomi HXI public data image
564 JAXA/P/HITOMI/SXI/Image 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 7.934E-4 png color 13Mpix Hitomi SXI public data image
565 JAXA/P/HITOMI/SXS/Image 2020-03-02 6 equatorial 7.934E-4 png color 13Mpix Hitomi SXS public data image
566 JAXA/P/IRTS/Image 2022-04-18 5 equatorial 0.1265 png color 505Mpix IRTS RGB (FIRP-700/FILM-CII/FILM-155) composision
567 JAXA/P/MAXI/GSC/Image 2020-04-25 3 equatorial 1 png color 4Mpix MAXI GSC
568 JAXA/P/MAXI/GSC/Image/forBrightSource 2020-04-25 3 equatorial 1 png color 4Mpix MAXI GSC
569 JAXA/P/MAXI/SSC/Image 2020-04-25 3 equatorial 1 png color 4Mpix MAXI SSC
570 JAXA/P/MAXI/SSC/Image/ContourBinning 2020-04-25 3 equatorial 1 png color 250Kpix MAXI SSC
571 JAXA/P/SUZAKU/XIS/Image 2023-01-17 5 equatorial 0.123 png color 491Mpix Suzaku public data image
572 JAXA/P/SWIFT/BAT/Image 2020-03-03 6 equatorial 1 png color 16Gpix Swift-BAT 70-month all-sray hard X-ray survey image
573 JAXA/VSOP/AnalysisResults/5GHz_AGN_Survey 01/12/22 13:08:41 JS 6 equatorial 0.2721 tsv 4Gpix
574 Leiden/P/TGSSADR 2016-03-08 7 equatorial 0.895 png,fits yes 112Gpix beta The TIFR GMRT Sky Survey, Alternative Data Release
575 NOAO/P/DES/DR1/LIneA-color 2017-09-07 11 equatorial 0.1282 png color 2Tpix desktop,beta DES DR1 LIneA color
576 astron.nl/P/apertif_dr1 3 2020-11-11 7 equatorial 0.04466 png,fits yes 6Gpix Apertif DR1 - Uncalibrated continuum flux
577 astron.nl/P/lotss_dr1_high 3 2017-07-13 9 equatorial 0.01029 png,fits yes 21Gpix LoTSS DR1 high-resolution HiPS map
578 astron.nl/P/lotss_dr1_low 3 2017-07-13 7 equatorial 0.01044 png,fits yes 1Gpix LoTSS DR1 low-resolution HiPS map
579 astron.nl/P/lotss_dr2_high 3 2022-02-25 9 equatorial 0.1367 png,fits yes 273Gpix LoTSS DR2 high-resolution HiPS map
580 astron.nl/P/lotss_dr2_low 3 2022-02-25 7 equatorial 0.1389 png,fits yes 17Gpix LoTSS DR2 low-resolution HiPS map
581 astron.nl/P/tgssadr 3 2020-07-02 7 equatorial 0.8977 png,fits yes 112Gpix TGSADR
582 cxc.harvard.edu/P/cda/hips/allsky/rgb 3 2019-06-17 11 equatorial 0.02191 png color 350Gpix desktop CXC HiPS (Chandra)
583 erosita/dr1/count/021 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 021 (0.2-0.6 keV) Count Image
584 erosita/dr1/count/022 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 022 (0.6-2.3 keV) Count Image
585 erosita/dr1/count/023 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 023 (2.3-5.0 keV) Count Image
586 erosita/dr1/count/024 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 024 (0.2-2.3 keV) Count Image
587 erosita/dr1/count/025 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 024 (0.2-0.5 keV) Count Image
588 erosita/dr1/count/026 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 026 (0.5-1.0 keV) Count Image
589 erosita/dr1/count/027 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 027 (1.0-2.0 keV) Count Image
590 erosita/dr1/exposure/021 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 021 (0.2-0.6 keV) Exposure Image
591 erosita/dr1/exposure/022 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 022 (0.6-2.3 keV) Exposure Image
592 erosita/dr1/exposure/023 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 023 (2.3-5.0 keV) Exposure Image
593 erosita/dr1/exposure/024 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 024 (0.2-2.3 keV) Exposure Image
594 erosita/dr1/exposure/025 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 025 (0.2-0.5 keV) Exposure Image
595 erosita/dr1/exposure/026 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 026 (0.5-1.0 keV) Exposure Image
596 erosita/dr1/exposure/027 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 027 (1.0-2.0 keV) Exposure Image
597 erosita/dr1/rate/021 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 021 (0.2-0.6 keV) Rate Image
598 erosita/dr1/rate/022 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 022 (0.6-2.3 keV) Rate Image
599 erosita/dr1/rate/023 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 023 (2.3-5.0 keV) Rate Image
600 erosita/dr1/rate/024 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 024 (0.2-2.3 keV) Rate Image
601 erosita/dr1/rate/025 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 025 (0.2-0.5 keV) Rate Image
602 erosita/dr1/rate/026 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 026 (0.5-1.0 keV) Rate Image
603 erosita/dr1/rate/027 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 fits,png 16Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 Band 027 (1.0-2.0 keV) Rate Image
604 erosita/dr1/rate/rgb 3 2024-01-31 6 equatorial 0.5052 png color 8Gpix eROSITA-DE DR1 RGB (0.2-0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-2.0 keV) Rate Image
605 fzu.cz/P/CTA-FRAM/survey/B 2 2022-01-29 5 equatorial 1 png,fits 8Gpix CTA-FRAM Sky Survey, B band
606 fzu.cz/P/CTA-FRAM/survey/R 2 2022-01-29 5 equatorial 1 png,fits 8Gpix CTA-FRAM Sky Survey, R band
607 fzu.cz/P/CTA-FRAM/survey/V 2 2022-01-29 5 equatorial 1 png,fits 8Gpix CTA-FRAM Sky Survey, V band
608 fzu.cz/P/CTA-FRAM/survey/color 2 2022-01-29 5 equatorial 1 png color 4Gpix CTA-FRAM Sky Survey, color
609 jvo/P/spcam/ALL 2020-08-25 11 equatorial 0.02396 png,fits yes 765Gpix desktop JVO Subaru/Suprime-Cam (ALL filter)
610 jvo/P/spcam/W-A-Y 2020-08-15 11 equatorial 1.354E-4 png,fits yes 4Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-A-Y)
611 jvo/P/spcam/W-C-IC 2020-08-13 11 equatorial 0.002969 png,fits yes 95Gpix desktop W-C-IC
612 jvo/P/spcam/W-C-RC 2020-08-12 11 equatorial 0.005405 png,fits yes 173Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-C-RC)
613 jvo/P/spcam/W-J-B 2020-08-13 11 equatorial 0.002213 png,fits yes 71Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-J-B)
614 jvo/P/spcam/W-J-U 2020-08-15 11 equatorial 4.891E-5 png,fits yes 2Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-J-U)
615 jvo/P/spcam/W-J-V 2020-08-13 11 equatorial 0.003756 png,fits yes 120Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-J-V)
616 jvo/P/spcam/W-J-VR 2020-08-13 11 equatorial 0.005311 png,fits yes 170Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-J-VR)
617 jvo/P/spcam/W-S-G+ 2020-08-14 11 equatorial 0.003584 png,fits yes 115Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-S-G+)
618 jvo/P/spcam/W-S-I+ 2020-08-15 11 equatorial 0.00506 png,fits yes 162Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-S-I+)
619 jvo/P/spcam/W-S-R+ 2020-08-14 11 equatorial 0.006887 png,fits yes 220Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-S-R+)
620 jvo/P/spcam/W-S-Z+ 2020-08-15 11 equatorial 0.003099 png,fits yes 99Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-S-Z+)
621 jvo/P/spcam/W-S-ZB 2020-08-15 11 equatorial 2.281E-4 png,fits yes 7Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-S-ZB)
622 jvo/P/spcam/W-S-ZR 2020-08-15 11 equatorial 5.319E-4 png,fits yes 17Gpix desktop Subaru/Suprime-Cam (W-S-ZR)
623 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_B 3 2017-09-08 9 equatorial 0.01851 fits,png yes 37Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band B
624 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_U 2017-09-01 9 equatorial 0.08074 fits,png 161Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band U
625 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_UVM2 3 2017-08-31 9 equatorial 0.05082 fits,png yes 101Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band UVM2
626 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_UVW1 3 2017-09-22 9 equatorial 0.04425 fits,png yes 88Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band UVW1
627 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_UVW2 3 2017-09-30 9 equatorial 0.0447 fits,png yes 89Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band UVW2
628 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_V 3 2017-08-15 9 equatorial 0.0208 fits,png yes 42Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band V
629 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/cnt_WHITE 3 2017-08-14 9 equatorial 0.002868 fits,png yes 6Gpix Combined Swift UVOT counts: band WHITE
630 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_B 3 2017-09-08 9 equatorial 0.01851 fits,png yes 37Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band B
631 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_U 3 2017-08-21 9 equatorial 0.04824 fits,png yes 96Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band U
632 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_UVM2 3 2017-09-04 9 equatorial 0.05082 fits,png yes 101Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band UVM2
633 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_UVW1 3 2017-09-24 9 equatorial 0.04679 fits,png yes 93Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band UVW1
634 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_UVW2 3 2017-10-06 9 equatorial 0.0447 fits,png yes 89Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band UVW2
635 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_V 3 2017-08-08 9 equatorial 0.0208 fits,png yes 42Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band V
636 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/exp_WHITE 3 2017-08-09 9 equatorial 0.002868 fits,png yes 6Gpix Combined Swift UVOT exposure: band WHITE
637 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_B 3 2017-09-08 9 equatorial 0.01851 fits,png 37Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band B
638 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVM2 3 2017-09-01 9 equatorial 0.05082 fits,png 101Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVM2
639 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVW1 3 2017-09-22 9 equatorial 0.04425 fits,png 88Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVW1
640 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVW2 3 2017-09-30 9 equatorial 0.0447 fits,png 89Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVW2
641 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_U_UVW1_UVW2 2017-09-08 9 equatorial 0.0343 jpg 34Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: color bands U-UVW1-UVW2
642 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_V 3 2017-09-01 9 equatorial 0.0208 fits,png 42Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band V
643 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_WHITE 3 2017-09-01 9 equatorial 0.002868 fits,png 6Gpix Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band WHITE
644 nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/XRT/exp 2017-07-13 8 equatorial 0.1907 fits,png 95Gpix Combined Swift XRT exposure
645 ov-gso/P/AKARI/160 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 160um
646 ov-gso/P/AKARI/160/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 160um SIGMA
647 ov-gso/P/AKARI/65 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 65um
648 ov-gso/P/AKARI/65/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 65um SIGMA
649 ov-gso/P/AKARI/WideL 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 140um
650 ov-gso/P/AKARI/WideL/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 140um SIGMA
651 ov-gso/P/AKARI/WideS 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 90um
652 ov-gso/P/AKARI/WideS/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Mpix AKARI 90um SIGMA
653 ov-gso/P/AMIGPS 3 2019-10-14 3 galactic 0.04729 png,jpeg,fits 35Mpix AMIGPS
654 ov-gso/P/AMIGPS/SIGMA 3 2019-10-14 3 galactic 0.04729 png,jpeg,fits 35Mpix AMIGPS SIGMA
655 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac1 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 5.594E-5 png,jpeg,fits 686Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC1
656 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 5.594E-5 png,jpeg,fits 686Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC1 SIGMA
657 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac2 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 5.086E-5 png,jpeg,fits 624Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC2
658 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 5.086E-5 png,jpeg,fits 624Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC2 SIGMA
659 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac3 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 5.594E-5 png,jpeg,fits 686Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC3
660 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac4 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 5.086E-5 png,jpeg,fits 624Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC4
661 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/irac4/SIGMA 3 2020-09-29 5 galactic 5.086E-5 png,jpeg,fits 624Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC4 SIGMA
662 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/mips1 3 2019-11-26 5 galactic 6.612E-5 png,jpeg,fits 811Kpix Abell 1763 MIPS1
663 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/mips1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 6.612E-5 png,jpeg,fits 811Kpix Abell 1763 MIPS1 SIGMA
664 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/mips2 3 2019-11-26 5 galactic 5.086E-5 png,jpeg,fits 624Kpix Abell 1763 MIPS2
665 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/mips2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 5.086E-5 png,jpeg,fits 624Kpix Abell 1763 MIPS2 SIGMA
666 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/mips3 3 2019-11-27 5 galactic 6.103E-5 png,jpeg,fits 749Kpix Abell 1763 MIPS3
667 ov-gso/P/Abell1763/mips3/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 6.103E-5 png,jpeg,fits 749Kpix Abell 1763 MIPS3 SIGMA
668 ov-gso/P/BAT/100-150keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 100-150keV
669 ov-gso/P/BAT/14-20keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 14-20keV
670 ov-gso/P/BAT/150-195keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 150-195keV
671 ov-gso/P/BAT/20-24keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 20-24keV
672 ov-gso/P/BAT/24-35keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 24-35keV
673 ov-gso/P/BAT/35-50keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 35-50keV
674 ov-gso/P/BAT/50-75keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 50-75keV
675 ov-gso/P/BAT/75-100keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix desktop Swift/BAT 75-100keV
676 ov-gso/P/BLAST/250 3 2019-10-10 4 galactic 0.004939 png,jpeg,fits 15Mpix BLAST 250um
677 ov-gso/P/BLAST/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-15 4 galactic 0.003738 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix BLAST 250um SIGMA
678 ov-gso/P/BLAST/350 3 2019-10-15 4 galactic 0.003752 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix BLAST 350um
679 ov-gso/P/BLAST/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-15 4 galactic 0.003752 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix BLAST 350um SIGMA
680 ov-gso/P/BLAST/500 3 2019-10-15 4 galactic 0.003756 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix BLAST_500um
681 ov-gso/P/BLAST/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-15 4 galactic 0.003756 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix BLAST 500um SIGMA
682 ov-gso/P/BOLOCAM 3 2019-10-14 5 galactic 0.0129 png,jpeg,fits 155Mpix Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS)
683 ov-gso/P/BOLOCAM/v2/SIGMA 3 2019-10-14 5 galactic 0.01586 png,jpeg,fits 190Mpix BOLOCAM v2.0 SIGMA
684 ov-gso/P/BOLOCAM/v2p1/SIGMA 3 2019-10-14 5 galactic 0.01594 png,jpeg,fits 191Mpix BOLOCAM v2.1 SIGMA
685 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac1 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.005269 png,jpeg,fits 63Mpix C2D IRAC1
686 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac1/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.005269 png,jpeg,fits 63Mpix C2D IRAC1 SIGMA
687 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac2 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.005152 png,jpeg,fits 62Mpix C2D IRAC2
688 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac2/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.005152 png,jpeg,fits 62Mpix C2D IRAC2 SIGMA
689 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac3 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.005259 png,jpeg,fits 63Mpix C2D IRAC3
690 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac3/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.005295 png,jpeg,fits 63Mpix C2D IRAC3 SIGMA
691 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac4 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.005163 png,jpeg,fits 62Mpix C2D IRAC4
692 ov-gso/P/C2D/irac4/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.005152 png,jpeg,fits 62Mpix C2D IRAC4 SIGMA
693 ov-gso/P/C2D/mips1 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.005895 png,jpeg,fits 71Mpix C2D MIPS1
694 ov-gso/P/C2D/mips1/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.005895 png,jpeg,fits 71Mpix C2D MIPS1 SIGMA
695 ov-gso/P/C2D/mips2 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.005432 png,jpeg,fits 65Mpix C2D MIPS2
696 ov-gso/P/C2D/mips2/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.005442 png,jpeg,fits 65Mpix C2D MIPS2 SIGMA
697 ov-gso/P/C2D/mips3 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 0.002319 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix C2D MIPS3
698 ov-gso/P/C2D/mips3/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 0.002319 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix C2D MIPS3 SIGMA
699 ov-gso/P/CC/100 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.004796 png,fits 38Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 100 microns (UPDP)
700 ov-gso/P/CC/160 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.004786 png,jpeg,fits 57Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 160 microns (UPDP)
701 ov-gso/P/CC/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.006826 png,jpeg,fits 82Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 250 micron
702 ov-gso/P/CC/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.006821 png,jpeg,fits 82Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 250 micron SIGMA
703 ov-gso/P/CC/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.006887 png,jpeg,fits 83Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 350 micron
704 ov-gso/P/CC/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.006887 png,jpeg,fits 83Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 350 micron SIGMA
705 ov-gso/P/CC/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.006973 png,jpeg,fits 84Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 500 micron
706 ov-gso/P/CC/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.006973 png,jpeg,fits 84Mpix Galactic Cold Cores 500 micron SIGMA
707 ov-gso/P/CGPS/CONT 2019-10-08 4 galactic 0.03154 png,jpeg,fits 94Mpix CGPS_CONT_1_8192_partial.fits
708 ov-gso/P/CGPS/II 2019-10-08 4 galactic 0.03261 png,jpeg,fits 98Mpix CGPS_II_1_8192_partial.fits
709 ov-gso/P/CGPS/VGPS 3 2019-10-14 4 galactic 0.03573 png,jpeg,fits 107Mpix Combination of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) and the VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS)
710 ov-gso/P/CGPS/VGPS/CONT 2019-10-08 4 galactic 0.0391 png,jpeg,fits 117Mpix desktop Combination of the 1420 MHz continuum of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) with the VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS)
711 ov-gso/P/CHIMPS/13CO/MOM0 2023-10-24 6 galactic 8.900E-4 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix CHIMPS 13CO(3-2) Integrated Intensity
712 ov-gso/P/CHIMPS/C18O/MOM0 2023-10-24 8.799E-4 4Kpix
713 ov-gso/P/CHIPASS 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.7179 png,jpeg,fits 34Mpix CHIPASS 1.4 GHz Radio Continuum
714 ov-gso/P/CLASH/irac1 3 2019-11-29 5 galactic 6.713E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix CLASH IRAC1
715 ov-gso/P/CLASH/irac2 3 2019-11-29 5 galactic 6.306E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix CLASH IRAC2
716 ov-gso/P/CLASH/irac3 3 2019-11-29 5 galactic 2.085E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix CLASH IRAC3
717 ov-gso/P/CLASH/irac4 3 2019-11-29 5 galactic 1.983E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix CLASH IRAC4
718 ov-gso/P/COHRS/12CO/MOM0 2023-10-24 6 galactic 0.002431 png,jpeg,fits 117Mpix COHRS 12CO(3-2) Integrated Intensity
719 ov-gso/P/COMPTEL 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix desktop COMPTEL 0.8-30 MeV
720 ov-gso/P/Cygnus/irac1 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Cygnus IRAC1
721 ov-gso/P/Cygnus/irac2 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.816E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Cygnus IRAC2
722 ov-gso/P/Cygnus/irac3 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Cygnus IRAC3
723 ov-gso/P/Cygnus/irac4 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.816E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Cygnus IRAC4
724 ov-gso/P/Cygnus/mips1 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 0.001104 png,jpeg,fits 13Mpix Cygnus MIPS1
725 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/100 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.00591 png,jpeg,fits 71Mpix DEBRIS 100 microns (JSMAP)
726 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/160 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.006088 png,jpeg,fits 73Mpix DEBRIS 160 microns (JSMAP)
727 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001348 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix DEBRIS 250 microns
728 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001348 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix DEBRIS 250 microns SIGMA
729 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001389 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix DEBRIS 350 microns
730 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001389 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix DEBRIS 350 microns SIGMA
731 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001424 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix DEBRIS 500 microns
732 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001424 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix DEBRIS 500 microns SIGMA
733 ov-gso/P/DEBRIS/70 3 2022-10-03 5 galactic 5.035E-4 png,fits 4Mpix DEBRIS 70 microns (JSMAP)
734 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/1 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 1 - 1.25 mic
735 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/1/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 1 ? 1.25 um
736 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/10 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 10 - 240 mic
737 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/10/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 10 ? 240 um
738 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/2 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 2 - 2.2 mic
739 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/2/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 2 ? 2.2 um
740 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/3 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 3 - 3.5 mic
741 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/3/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 3 ? 3.5 um
742 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/4 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 4 - 4.9 mic
743 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/4/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 4 ? 4.9 um
744 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/5 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 5 - 12 mic
745 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/5/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 5 ? 12 um
746 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/6 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 6 - 25 mic
747 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/6/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 6 ? 25 um
748 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/7 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 7 - 60 mic
749 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/7/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 7 ? 60 um
750 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/8 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 8 - 100 mic
751 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/8/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 8 ? 100 um
752 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/9 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE BAND 9 - 140 mic
753 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/9/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DIRBE SIGMA Band 9 ? 140 um
754 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA1 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 1 - 1.25 mic
755 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA10 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 10 - 240 mic
756 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA2 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 2 - 2.2 mic
757 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA3 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 3 - 3.5 mic
758 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA4 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 4 - 4.9 mic
759 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA5 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 5 - 12 mic
760 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA6 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 6 - 25 mic
761 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA7 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 7 - 60 mic
762 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA8 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 8 - 100 mic
763 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA9 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix DIRBE ZSMA BAND 9 - 140 mic
764 ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLQ 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DRAO-VillaElisa 21cm POLQ
765 ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLU 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix DRAO-VillaElisa 21cm POLU
766 ov-gso/P/DRAO/22MHz 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.7308 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix DRAO 22 MHz
767 ov-gso/P/DUSTiNGS/irac1 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 0.001429 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix DUSTiNGS IRAC1
768 ov-gso/P/DUSTiNGS/irac2 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 0.001429 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix DUSTiNGS IRAC2
769 ov-gso/P/DWINGELOO/820MHz 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.5749 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Dwingeloo 820MHz
770 ov-gso/P/Dunes/160 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.002029 png,jpeg,fits 24Mpix Dunes 160 microns (UPDP)
771 ov-gso/P/Dunes/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 4.882E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix DUNES 250 microns
772 ov-gso/P/Dunes/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 4.882E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix DUNES 250 microns SIGMA
773 ov-gso/P/Dunes/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 5.035E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix DUNES 350 microns
774 ov-gso/P/Dunes/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 5.035E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix DUNES 350 microns SIGMA
775 ov-gso/P/Dunes/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 5.187E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix DUNES 500 microns
776 ov-gso/P/Dunes/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 5.187E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix DUNES 500 microns SIGMA
777 ov-gso/P/Dunes/70 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.002024 png,jpeg,fits 24Mpix Dunes 100 microns (UPDP)
778 ov-gso/P/EBHIS 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.5488 png,jpeg,fits 26Mpix EBHIS 21cm
779 ov-gso/P/EBV/SFD98 2022-03-01 3 equatorial 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix E(B-V) SFD98
780 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG+EMLS/21cm 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.07832 png,jpeg,fits 4Mpix EFFELSBERG+EMLS 21cm
781 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/11cm 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.06352 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Effelsberg 11cm
782 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/11cm/POLQ 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.02976 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix Effelsberg 11cm POLQ
783 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/11cm/POLU 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.02976 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix Effelsberg 11cm POLU
784 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/11cm/back 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.02061 png,jpeg,fits 4Mpix Effelsberg 11cm background
785 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/21cm 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05423 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix Effelsberg 21cm
786 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/21cm/POLQ 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05087 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Effelsberg 21cm POLQ
787 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/21cm/POLU 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05087 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Effelsberg 21cm POLU
788 ov-gso/P/EFFELSBERG/21cm/back 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05422 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix Effelsberg 21cm background
789 ov-gso/P/ELFLock/mips3 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 5.035E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix ELFLock MIPS3
790 ov-gso/P/EPoS/100 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.00147 png,jpeg,fits 18Mpix EPoS 100 microns (JSMAP)
791 ov-gso/P/EPoS/160 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.00147 png,jpeg,fits 18Mpix EPoS 160 microns (JSMAP)
792 ov-gso/P/EPoS/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.00206 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix EPoS 250 microns
793 ov-gso/P/EPoS/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.00206 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix EPoS 250 microns SIGMA
794 ov-gso/P/EPoS/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.00209 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix EPoS 350 microns
795 ov-gso/P/EPoS/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002085 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix EPoS 350 microns SIGMA
796 ov-gso/P/EPoS/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002151 png,jpeg,fits 26Mpix EPoS 500 microns
797 ov-gso/P/EPoS/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002151 png,jpeg,fits 26Mpix EPoS 500 microns SIGMA
798 ov-gso/P/EPoS/70 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 0.00116 png,jpeg,fits 14Mpix EPoS 70 microns (JSMAP)
799 ov-gso/P/FIDEL/mips1 3 2019-12-02 5 galactic 1.678E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix FIDEL MIPS1
800 ov-gso/P/FIDEL/mips2 3 2019-12-02 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix FIDEL MIPS2
801 ov-gso/P/FIDEL/mips3 3 2019-12-02 5 galactic 1.169E-4 png,jpeg,fits 1Mpix FIDEL MIPS3
802 ov-gso/P/FLS/irac1 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.085E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix FLS IRAC1
803 ov-gso/P/FLS/irac2 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.136E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix FLS IRAC2
804 ov-gso/P/FLS/irac3 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.085E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix FLS IRAC3
805 ov-gso/P/FLS/irac4 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.136E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix FLS IRAC4
806 ov-gso/P/FLS/mips1 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.543E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix FLS MIPS1
807 ov-gso/P/FLS/mips2 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.593E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix FLS MIPS2
808 ov-gso/P/FLS/mips3 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 2.441E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix FLS MIPS3
809 ov-gso/P/FUGIN/12CO/MOM0 2023-10-24 6 galactic 0.00531 png,jpeg,fits 254Mpix FUGIN 12CO Integrated Intensity
810 ov-gso/P/FUGIN/13CO/MOM0 2023-10-24 6 galactic 0.00531 png,jpeg,fits 254Mpix FUGIN 13CO Integrated Intensity
811 ov-gso/P/FUGIN/C18O/MOM0 2023-10-24 6 galactic 0.00531 png,jpeg,fits 254Mpix FUGIN C18O Integrated Intensity
812 ov-gso/P/Fermi/Band1 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1.525E-5 png,jpeg,fits 2pix Fermi-LAT 30-100 MeV
813 ov-gso/P/Fermi/Band2 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Kpix Fermi-LAT 100-300 MeV
814 ov-gso/P/Fermi/Band3 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix Fermi-LAT 300-1000 MeV
815 ov-gso/P/Fermi/Band4 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Fermi-LAT 1-3 GeV
816 ov-gso/P/Fermi/Band5 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix Fermi-LAT 3-300 GeV
817 ov-gso/P/Frontier/Fields/irac1 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 1.373E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Frontier Fields IRAC1
818 ov-gso/P/Frontier/Fields/irac2 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 1.271E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Frontier Fields IRAC2
819 ov-gso/P/Frontier/Fields/irac3 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix Frontier Fields IRAC3
820 ov-gso/P/Frontier/Fields/irac4 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix Frontier Fields IRAC4
821 ov-gso/P/Frontier/Fields/mips1 3 2019-11-28 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Frontier Fields MIPS1
822 ov-gso/P/GASS 3 2021-01-14 3 galactic 0.5209 png,jpeg,fits 24Mpix Parkes Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS)
823 ov-gso/P/GAURIBIDANUR 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.8644 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix Gauribidanur 35 MHz
824 ov-gso/P/GLEAM/072-103 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.6547 png,jpeg,fits 490Mpix desktop GLEAM 072-103
825 ov-gso/P/GLEAM/103-134 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.6544 png,jpeg,fits 490Mpix desktop GLEAM 103-134
826 ov-gso/P/GLEAM/139-170 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.6541 png,jpeg,fits 490Mpix desktop GLEAM 139-170
827 ov-gso/P/GLEAM/170-231 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.6529 png,jpeg,fits 489Mpix desktop GLEAM 170-231
828 ov-gso/P/GLIMPSE/irac1 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.0389 png,jpeg,fits 466Mpix GLIMPSE IRAC1
829 ov-gso/P/GLIMPSE/irac2 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.03921 png,jpeg,fits 470Mpix GLIMPSE IRAC2
830 ov-gso/P/GLIMPSE/irac3 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.01934 png,jpeg,fits 232Mpix GLIMPSE IRAC3
831 ov-gso/P/GLIMPSE/irac4 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.01942 png,jpeg,fits 233Mpix GLIMPSE IRAC4
832 ov-gso/P/GOALS/irac1 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003611 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix GOALS IRAC1
833 ov-gso/P/GOALS/irac2 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003637 png,jpeg,fits 44Mpix GOALS IRAC2
834 ov-gso/P/GOALS/irac3 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003627 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix GOALS IRAC3
835 ov-gso/P/GOALS/irac4 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003647 png,jpeg,fits 44Mpix GOALS IRAC4
836 ov-gso/P/GOALS/mips1 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003916 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix GOALS MIPS1
837 ov-gso/P/GOALS/mips2 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003433 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix GOALS MIPS2
838 ov-gso/P/GOALS/mips3 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.003148 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix GOALS MIPS3
839 ov-gso/P/GOODS/100 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 4.577E-5 png,jpeg,fits 562Kpix GOODS 100 microns (UPDP)
840 ov-gso/P/GOODS/160 3 2022-10-04 5 galactic 4.577E-5 png,jpeg,fits 562Kpix GOODS 160 microns (UPDP)
841 ov-gso/P/GOODS/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix GOODS 250 microns
842 ov-gso/P/GOODS/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix GOODS 250 microns SIGMA
843 ov-gso/P/GOODS/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix GOODS 350 microns
844 ov-gso/P/GOODS/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix GOODS 350 microns SIGMA
845 ov-gso/P/GOODS/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix GOODS 500 microns
846 ov-gso/P/GOODS/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.120E-5 png,jpeg,fits 874Kpix GOODS 500 microns SIGMA
847 ov-gso/P/GRS/MOM0 3 2023-09-12 5 galactic 0.005697 png,jpeg,fits 68Mpix GRS 13CO integrated intensity
848 ov-gso/P/GRS/TPK 3 2023-09-12 5 galactic 0.005697 png,jpeg,fits 68Mpix GRS 13CO TPK
849 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/160 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.008591 png,jpeg,fits 103Mpix Gouldbelt 160 microns (HPDP)
850 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/250 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01179 png,jpeg,fits 141Mpix Gould Belt 250 microns
851 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/250/SIGMA 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01177 png,jpeg,fits 141Mpix Gould Belt 250 microns SIGMA
852 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/350 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01223 png,jpeg,fits 147Mpix Gould Belt 350 microns
853 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/350/SIGMA 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01183 png,jpeg,fits 142Mpix Gould Belt 350 microns SIGMA
854 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/500 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01188 png,jpeg,fits 142Mpix Gould Belt 500 microns
855 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/500/SIGMA 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01188 png,jpeg,fits 142Mpix Gould Belt 500 microns SIGMA
856 ov-gso/P/Gouldbelt/70 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.008591 png,jpeg,fits 103Mpix Gouldbelt 70 microns (HPDP)
857 ov-gso/P/HI4PI 3 2021-01-13 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix HI4PI survey (GASS+EBHIS)
858 ov-gso/P/HI4PI/EW 2022-03-01 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix HI4PI Equivalent Width (GASS+EBHIS)
859 ov-gso/P/HI4PI/MOM0 2022-03-01 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix HI4PI Moment-0 (GASS+EBHIS)
860 ov-gso/P/HI4PI/MOM1 2022-03-01 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix HI4PI Moment-1 (GASS+EBHIS)
861 ov-gso/P/HI4PI/TPK 3 2022-03-01 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 47Mpix HI4PI Peak Brightness map (GASS+EBHIS)
862 ov-gso/P/HIPASS-ZOA/FF 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05702 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix HIPASS-ZOA Free-Free
863 ov-gso/P/HIPASS-ZOA/TLdv 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05702 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix HIPASS-ZOA RRL
864 ov-gso/P/HLS/100 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.001017 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix HLS 100 microns (JSMAP)
865 ov-gso/P/HLS/160 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.001017 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix HLS 160 microns (JSMAP)
866 ov-gso/P/HLS/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001597 png,jpeg,fits 19Mpix HLS 250 microns
867 ov-gso/P/HLS/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001597 png,jpeg,fits 19Mpix HLS 250 microns SIGMA
868 ov-gso/P/HLS/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001607 png,jpeg,fits 19Mpix HLS 350 microns
869 ov-gso/P/HLS/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001607 png,jpeg,fits 19Mpix HLS 350 microns SIGMA
870 ov-gso/P/HLS/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001643 png,jpeg,fits 20Mpix HLS 500 microns
871 ov-gso/P/HLS/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001643 png,jpeg,fits 20Mpix HLS 500 microns SIGMA
872 ov-gso/P/HOPS/H2O/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.05078 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix HOPS H2O MOM0
873 ov-gso/P/HOPS/H69a/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.05339 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix HOPS RRL H69?
874 ov-gso/P/HOPS/HC3N/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.05339 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix HOPS HC3N MOM0
875 ov-gso/P/HOPS/NH311/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.003515 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix HOPS NH3(1,1) MOM0
876 ov-gso/P/HOPS/NH322/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.003515 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix HOPS NH3(2,2) MOM0
877 ov-gso/P/HOPS/NH333/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.05339 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix HOPS NH3(3,3) MOM0
878 ov-gso/P/HOPS/NH366/MOM0 2024-02-02 3 galactic 0.05339 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix HOPS NH3(6,6) MOM0
879 ov-gso/P/HRS/250 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.005936 png,jpeg,fits 71Mpix HRS 250 microns
880 ov-gso/P/HRS/250/SIGMA 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.005931 png,jpeg,fits 71Mpix HRS 250 microns SIGMA
881 ov-gso/P/HRS/350 3 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.005997 png,jpeg,fits 72Mpix HRS 350 microns
882 ov-gso/P/HRS/350/SIGMA 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.005987 png,jpeg,fits 72Mpix HRS 350 microns SIGMA
883 ov-gso/P/HRS/500 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.006048 png,jpeg,fits 72Mpix HRS 500 microns
884 ov-gso/P/HRS/500/SIGMA 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.006048 png,jpeg,fits 72Mpix HRS 500 microns SIGMA
885 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/100 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.005534 png,jpeg,fits 66Mpix H-atlas 100 microns (UPDP)
886 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/160 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.005529 png,jpeg,fits 66Mpix H-atlas 160 microns (UPDP)
887 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/250 3 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.01936 png,jpeg,fits 232Mpix H-atlas 250 microns
888 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/250/SIGMA 3 2022-03-18 5 galactic 0.01624 png,jpeg,fits 195Mpix H-atlas 250 microns SIGMA
889 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/350 3 2022-03-18 5 galactic 0.01938 png,jpeg,fits 232Mpix H-atlas 350 microns
890 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/350/SIGMA 3 2022-03-18 5 galactic 0.01935 png,jpeg,fits 232Mpix H-atlas 350 microns SIGMA
891 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/500 3 2022-03-17 5 galactic 0.01943 png,jpeg,fits 233Mpix H-atlas 500 microns
892 ov-gso/P/Hatlas/500/SIGMA 3 2022-03-18 5 galactic 0.01943 png,jpeg,fits 233Mpix H-atlas 500 microns SIGMA
893 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/100 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.003204 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix HeViCS 100 microns (HPDP)
894 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.003194 png,fits 26Mpix HeViCS 160 microns (HPDP)
895 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002594 png,jpeg,fits 31Mpix HeViCS 250 microns
896 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002594 png,jpeg,fits 31Mpix HeViCS 250 microns SIGMA
897 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002604 png,jpeg,fits 31Mpix HeViCS 350 microns
898 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002604 png,jpeg,fits 31Mpix HeViCS 350 microns SIGMA
899 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002609 png,jpeg,fits 31Mpix HeViCS 500 microns
900 ov-gso/P/HeViCS/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002609 png,jpeg,fits 31Mpix HeViCS 500 microns SIGMA
901 ov-gso/P/Helga/100 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 7.883E-4 png,jpeg,fits 9Mpix Helga 100 microns (UPDP)
902 ov-gso/P/Helga/160 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 7.883E-4 png,jpeg,fits 9Mpix Helga 160 microns (UPDP)
903 ov-gso/P/Helga/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.985E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix Helga 250 microns
904 ov-gso/P/Helga/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 7.985E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix Helga 250 microns SIGMA
905 ov-gso/P/Helga/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 8.036E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix Helga 350 microns
906 ov-gso/P/Helga/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 8.036E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix Helga 350 microns SIGMA
907 ov-gso/P/Helga/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 8.036E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix Helga 500 microns
908 ov-gso/P/Helga/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 8.036E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix Helga 500 microns SIGMA
909 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/100 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 1.475E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 100 microns (UPDP)
910 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 1.475E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 160 microns (UPDP)
911 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 1.627E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 250 microns
912 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 250 microns SIGMA
913 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 1.627E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 350 microns
914 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 1.627E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 350 microns SIGMA
915 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 1.627E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 500 microns
916 ov-gso/P/HerM33es/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 1.627E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix HerM33es 500 microns SIGMA
917 ov-gso/P/Heritage/100 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.003286 png,jpeg,fits 39Mpix Heritage 100 microns (UPDP)
918 ov-gso/P/Heritage/160 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.003367 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix Heritage 160 microns (UPDP)
919 ov-gso/P/Heritage/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003393 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix Heritage 250 microns
920 ov-gso/P/Heritage/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003393 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix Heritage 250 microns SIGMA
921 ov-gso/P/Heritage/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003393 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix Heritage 350 microns
922 ov-gso/P/Heritage/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003393 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix Heritage 350 microns SIGMA
923 ov-gso/P/Heritage/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003413 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix Heritage 500 microns
924 ov-gso/P/Heritage/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003413 png,jpeg,fits 41Mpix Heritage 500 microns SIGMA
925 ov-gso/P/Hermes/100 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.004267 png,jpeg,fits 51Mpix HerMES 100 microns (UPDP)
926 ov-gso/P/Hermes/160 3 2022-10-06 5 galactic 0.004384 png,jpeg,fits 53Mpix HerMES 160 microns (UPDP)
927 ov-gso/P/Hermes/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01622 png,jpeg,fits 194Mpix HerMES 250 microns
928 ov-gso/P/Hermes/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01619 png,jpeg,fits 194Mpix HerMES 250 microns SIGMA
929 ov-gso/P/Hermes/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01624 png,jpeg,fits 195Mpix HerMES 350 microns
930 ov-gso/P/Hermes/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01623 png,jpeg,fits 194Mpix HerMES 350 microns SIGMA
931 ov-gso/P/Hermes/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01633 png,jpeg,fits 196Mpix HerMES 500 microns
932 ov-gso/P/Hermes/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.01633 png,jpeg,fits 196Mpix HerMES 500 microns SIGMA
933 ov-gso/P/Higal/160 3 2022-10-28 5 galactic 0.03237 png,jpeg,fits 388Mpix Hi-GAL 160 microns (HPDP)
934 ov-gso/P/Higal/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.03297 png,jpeg,fits 395Mpix Hi-GAL 250 microns
935 ov-gso/P/Higal/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.03293 png,jpeg,fits 395Mpix Hi-GAL 250 microns SIGMA
936 ov-gso/P/Higal/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.03305 png,jpeg,fits 396Mpix Hi-GAL 350 microns
937 ov-gso/P/Higal/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.03301 png,jpeg,fits 395Mpix Hi-GAL 350 microns SIGMA
938 ov-gso/P/Higal/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.03319 png,jpeg,fits 398Mpix Hi-GAL 500 microns
939 ov-gso/P/Higal/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.03319 png,jpeg,fits 398Mpix Hi-GAL 500 microns SIGMA
940 ov-gso/P/Higal/70 3 2022-10-28 5 galactic 0.03239 png,jpeg,fits 388Mpix Hi-GAL 70 microns (HPDP)
941 ov-gso/P/Hobys/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.001999 png,jpeg,fits 24Mpix Hobys 160 microns (HPDP)
942 ov-gso/P/Hobys/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002401 png,jpeg,fits 29Mpix Hobys 250 microns
943 ov-gso/P/Hobys/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002391 png,jpeg,fits 29Mpix Hobys 250 microns SIGMA
944 ov-gso/P/Hobys/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002416 png,jpeg,fits 29Mpix Hobys 350 microns
945 ov-gso/P/Hobys/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002411 png,jpeg,fits 29Mpix Hobys 350 microns SIGMA
946 ov-gso/P/Hobys/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002441 png,jpeg,fits 29Mpix Hobys 500 microns
947 ov-gso/P/Hobys/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002441 png,jpeg,fits 29Mpix Hobys 500 microns SIGMA
948 ov-gso/P/Hobys/70 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.001999 png,jpeg,fits 24Mpix Hobys 70 microns (HPDP)
949 ov-gso/P/ID1600773792 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 5.594E-5 png,jpeg,fits 686Kpix Abell 1763 IRAC3 SIGMA
950 ov-gso/P/ID1601631491 2020-10-02 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC1 SIGMA
951 ov-gso/P/INTEGRAL/14y/17-60keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.3181 png,jpeg,fits 60Mpix INTEGRAL/IBIS 14-year 17-60keV
952 ov-gso/P/INTEGRAL/17-35keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.3181 png,jpeg,fits 60Mpix INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 17-35keV
953 ov-gso/P/INTEGRAL/17-60keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.3181 png,jpeg,fits 60Mpix INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 17-60keV
954 ov-gso/P/INTEGRAL/35-80keV 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.3181 png,jpeg,fits 60Mpix INTEGRAL/IBIS 9-year 35-80keV
955 ov-gso/P/IRIS/1 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 125Mpix IRAS-IRIS BAND 1 - 12um
956 ov-gso/P/IRIS/1/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix IRAS-IRIS SIGMA BAND 1 ? 12 mic
957 ov-gso/P/IRIS/2 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 125Mpix IRAS-IRIS BAND 2 - 25um
958 ov-gso/P/IRIS/2/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix IRAS-IRIS SIGMA BAND 2 ? 25 mic
959 ov-gso/P/IRIS/3 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 125Mpix IRAS-IRIS BAND 3 - 60um
960 ov-gso/P/IRIS/3/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix IRAS-IRIS SIGMA BAND 3 ? 60 mic
961 ov-gso/P/IRIS/4 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 125Mpix IRAS-IRIS BAND 4 - 100um
962 ov-gso/P/IRIS/4/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix IRAS-IRIS SIGMA BAND 4 ? 100 mic
963 ov-gso/P/IRTS/250 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.03546 png,jpeg,fits 425Kpix IRTS 250um
964 ov-gso/P/IRTS/400 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.006078 png,jpeg,fits 73Kpix IRTS 400um
965 ov-gso/P/IRTS/700 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.06332 png,jpeg,fits 759Kpix IRTS 700um
966 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/100 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.001795 png,jpeg,fits 22Mpix Kingfish 100 microns (UPDP)
967 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.001785 png,jpeg,fits 21Mpix Kingfish 160 microns (UPDP)
968 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002767 png,jpeg,fits 33Mpix Kingfish 250 microns
969 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002767 png,jpeg,fits 33Mpix Kingfish 250 microns SIGMA
970 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002767 png,jpeg,fits 33Mpix Kingfish 350 microns
971 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002767 png,jpeg,fits 33Mpix Kingfish 350 microns SIGMA
972 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002803 png,jpeg,fits 34Mpix Kingfish 500 microns
973 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.002803 png,jpeg,fits 34Mpix Kingfish 500 microns SIGMA
974 ov-gso/P/Kingfish/70 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.001795 png,jpeg,fits 22Mpix Kingfish 70 microns (UPDP)
975 ov-gso/P/LAB 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 2Mpix Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) Galactic HI survey
976 ov-gso/P/LG/mips1 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 0.00353 png,jpeg,fits 42Mpix Local Galaxies MIPS1
977 ov-gso/P/LG/mips2 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 0.002874 png,jpeg,fits 34Mpix Local Galaxies MIPS2
978 ov-gso/P/LG/mips3 3 2019-12-09 5 galactic 0.002726 png,jpeg,fits 33Mpix Local Galaxies MIPS3
979 ov-gso/P/LMC/850/Q 3 2022-12-05 3 galactic 0.002131 png,jpeg,fits 102Kpix LMC 850 microns STOCKES Q
980 ov-gso/P/LVL/irac1 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.004588 png,jpeg,fits 55Mpix LVL IRAC1
981 ov-gso/P/LVL/irac2 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.004644 png,jpeg,fits 56Mpix LVL IRAC2
982 ov-gso/P/LVL/irac3 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.004588 png,jpeg,fits 55Mpix LVL IRAC3
983 ov-gso/P/LVL/irac4 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.004649 png,jpeg,fits 56Mpix LVL IRAC4
984 ov-gso/P/LVL/mips1 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.009837 png,jpeg,fits 118Mpix LVL MIPS1
985 ov-gso/P/LVL/mips2 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.009852 png,jpeg,fits 118Mpix LVL MIPS2
986 ov-gso/P/LVL/mips3 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 0.009694 png,jpeg,fits 116Mpix LVL MIPS3
987 ov-gso/P/M31/irac1 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 4.018E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix M31 IRAC1
988 ov-gso/P/M31/irac2 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 4.018E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix M31 IRAC2
989 ov-gso/P/MAIPU-MU 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1.525E-5 png,jpeg,fits 2pix MAIPU-MU 45 MHz
990 ov-gso/P/MIPSGAL/mips1 3 2019-11-27 5 galactic 0.01144 png,jpeg,fits 137Mpix MIPSGAL MIPS1
991 ov-gso/P/MITEoR/RES 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.4287 png,jpeg,fits 321Kpix MITEoR Resolution
992 ov-gso/P/MITEoR/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 749Kpix MITEoR SIGMA 150 MHz
993 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/12CO/MOM0 3 2023-08-17 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix Mopra 12CO
994 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/12CO/TPK 3 2023-08-18 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix Mopra 12CO TPK
995 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/13CO/MOM0 3 2023-08-18 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix MOPRA 13CO
996 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/13CO/TPK 3 2023-08-18 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix MOPRA 13CO TPK
997 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/C17O/MOM0 3 2023-09-05 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix Mopra C17O
998 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/C17O/TPK 3 2023-09-05 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix Mopra C17O TPK
999 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/C18O/MOM0 3 2023-09-05 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix MOPRA C18O
1000 ov-gso/P/MOPRA/C18O/TPK 3 2023-09-05 5 galactic 0.00234 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix MOPRA C18O TPK
1001 ov-gso/P/MWISP/12CO/MOM0 2025-01-31 5 galactic 0.01709 png,jpeg,fits 205Mpix MWISP 12CO(1-0) integrated intensity
1002 ov-gso/P/MWISP/13CO/MOM0 2025-01-21 5 galactic 0.01709 png,jpeg,fits 205Mpix MWISP 13CO(1-0) integrated intensity
1003 ov-gso/P/Madden/100 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 9.867E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Madden's Program 100 microns (JSMAP)
1004 ov-gso/P/Madden/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 9.969E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Madden's Program 160 microns (JSMAP)
1005 ov-gso/P/Madden/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001292 png,jpeg,fits 15Mpix Madden?s Program 250 microns
1006 ov-gso/P/Madden/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001292 png,jpeg,fits 15Mpix Madden?s Program 250 microns SIGMA
1007 ov-gso/P/Madden/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001302 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix Madden?s Program 350 microns
1008 ov-gso/P/Madden/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001292 png,jpeg,fits 15Mpix Madden?s Program 350 microns SIGMA
1009 ov-gso/P/Madden/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001312 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix Madden?s Program 500 microns
1010 ov-gso/P/Madden/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001312 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix Madden?s Program 500 microns SIGMA
1011 ov-gso/P/Madden/70 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 9.969E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix Madden's Program 70 microns (JSMAP)
1012 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/100 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.0012 png,jpeg,fits 14Mpix Meisenheimer's Program 100 microns (JSMAP)
1013 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.002304 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix Meisenheimer's Program 160 microns (JSMAP)
1014 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.00352 png,jpeg,fits 42Mpix Meisenheimer?s Program 250 microns
1015 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.00352 png,jpeg,fits 42Mpix Meisenheimer?s Program 250 microns SIGMA
1016 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003555 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix Meisenheimer?s Program 350 microns
1017 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003555 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix Meisenheimer?s Program 350 microns SIGMA
1018 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003627 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix Meisenheimer?s Program 500 microns
1019 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.003627 png,jpeg,fits 43Mpix Meisenheimer?s Program 500 microns SIGMA
1020 ov-gso/P/Meisenheimer/70 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 0.001048 png,jpeg,fits 13Mpix Meisenheimer's Program 70 microns (JSMAP)
1021 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/BEARS 2025-01-21 6 galactic 2.034E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) BEARS integrated intensity
1022 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/Cygnus 2025-01-21 6 galactic 5.900E-4 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) Cygnus integrated intensity
1023 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/MAGiC 2025-01-23 6 galactic 1.220E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) MAGiC (M33) integrated intensity
1024 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/Orion 2025-01-23 6 galactic 2.848E-4 png,jpeg,fits 14Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) Orion integrated intensity
1025 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/RhoOph 2025-01-23 6 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 4Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) Rho-Ophiuchus integrated intensity
1026 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/S115Q 2025-01-21 4 galactic 0.002279 png,jpeg,fits 7Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) S115Q integrated intensity
1027 ov-gso/P/NRO/12CO/extragal 2025-01-23 6 galactic 0.002299 png,jpeg,fits 110Mpix NRO 12CO(1-0) Nearby galaxies integrated intensity
1028 ov-gso/P/NRO/13CO/Cygnus 2025-01-21 6 galactic 5.900E-4 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix NRO 13CO(1-0) Cygnus integrated intensity
1029 ov-gso/P/NRO/13CO/FOREST 2025-01-21 6 galactic 2.034E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix NRO 13CO(1-0) FOREST integrated intensity
1030 ov-gso/P/NRO/13CO/Orion 2025-01-23 6 galactic 1.424E-4 png,jpeg,fits 7Mpix NRO 13CO(1-0) Orion integrated intensity
1031 ov-gso/P/NRO/13CO/S115Q 2025-01-21 4 galactic 0.002279 png,jpeg,fits 7Mpix NRO 13CO(1-0) S115Q integrated intensity
1032 ov-gso/P/NRO/C18O/Cygnus 2025-01-23 6 galactic 5.900E-4 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix NRO C18O(1-0) Cygnus integrated intensity
1033 ov-gso/P/NRO/C18O/FOREST 2025-01-21 6 galactic 2.034E-4 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix NRO C18O(1-0) FOREST integrated intensity
1034 ov-gso/P/NRO/C18O/Orion 2025-01-23 6 galactic 1.424E-4 png,jpeg,fits 7Mpix NRO C18O(1-0) Orion integrated intensity
1035 ov-gso/P/Nobeyama/3cm 3 2019-10-14 3 galactic 0.005844 png,jpeg,fits 4Mpix desktop Nobeyama 10 GHz
1036 ov-gso/P/PARKES/150MHz 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1.525E-5 png,jpeg,fits 2pix Parkes 150 MHz
1037 ov-gso/P/PARKES/6cm 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.01335 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix Parkes 6cm
1038 ov-gso/P/PARKES/85MHz 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1.525E-5 png,jpeg,fits 2pix Parkes 85 MHz
1039 ov-gso/P/PILOT/240/I 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.001063 png,jpeg,fits 815Kpix PILOT 240 microns Intensity
1040 ov-gso/P/PILOT/240/Q 2019-10-08 3 galactic 8.595E-4 png,jpeg,fits 659Kpix PILOT 240 microns STOCKES Q
1041 ov-gso/P/PILOT/240/U 2019-10-08 3 galactic 8.595E-4 png,jpeg,fits 659Kpix PILOT 240 microns STOCKES U
1042 ov-gso/P/RAMPS/H2O/MOM0 3 2023-09-22 6 galactic 0.001256 png,jpeg,fits 60Mpix RAMPS H2O integrated intensity
1043 ov-gso/P/RAMPS/NH311/MOM0 3 2023-09-22 6 galactic 0.001434 png,jpeg,fits 69Mpix RAMPS NH311 integrated intensity
1044 ov-gso/P/RAMPS/NH322/MOM0 3 2023-09-22 6 galactic 0.001282 png,jpeg,fits 61Mpix RAMPS NH322 integrated intensity
1045 ov-gso/P/RAMPS/NH333/MOM0 3 2023-09-22 6 galactic 0.00116 png,jpeg,fits 56Mpix RAMPS NH333 integrated intensity
1046 ov-gso/P/RASS 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 jpeg,fits 125Mpix desktop ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) - 0.1-2.4 keV
1047 ov-gso/P/RASS/EXP 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix desktop ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) exposure time
1048 ov-gso/P/RASS/HardBand 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix desktop ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) - 0.5-2.4 keV
1049 ov-gso/P/RASS/SoftBand 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 187Mpix desktop ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) - 0.1-0.4 keV
1050 ov-gso/P/S4G/irac1 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 0.0415 png,jpeg,fits 497Mpix S4G IRAC1
1051 ov-gso/P/S4G/irac2 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 0.04148 png,jpeg,fits 497Mpix S4G IRAC2
1052 ov-gso/P/SAG4/100 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 4.069E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix SAG4 100 microns (JSMAP)
1053 ov-gso/P/SAG4/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 9.104E-4 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix SAG4 160 microns (JSMAP)
1054 ov-gso/P/SAG4/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001328 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix SAG-4 250 micron
1055 ov-gso/P/SAG4/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001328 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix SAG-4 250 micron SIGMA
1056 ov-gso/P/SAG4/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001322 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix SAG-4 350 micron
1057 ov-gso/P/SAG4/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001322 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix SAG-4 350 micron SIGMA
1058 ov-gso/P/SAG4/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001358 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix SAG-4 500 micron
1059 ov-gso/P/SAG4/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 0.001358 png,jpeg,fits 16Mpix SAG-4 500 micron SIGMA
1060 ov-gso/P/SAG4/70 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 7.375E-4 png,jpeg,fits 9Mpix SAG4 70 microns (JSMAP)
1061 ov-gso/P/SAGE/irac1 3 2019-11-21 5 galactic 0.003143 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix SAGE IRAC1
1062 ov-gso/P/SAGE/irac3 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.003118 png,jpeg,fits 37Mpix SAGE IRAC3
1063 ov-gso/P/SAGE/irac4 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.003148 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix SAGE IRAC4
1064 ov-gso/P/SAGE/mips1 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.002904 png,jpeg,fits 35Mpix SAGE MIPS1
1065 ov-gso/P/SAGE/mips2 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.00327 png,jpeg,fits 39Mpix SAGE MIPS2
1066 ov-gso/P/SAGE/mips3 3 2019-11-22 5 galactic 0.003301 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix SAGE MIPS3
1067 ov-gso/P/SAGE_irac2 3 2019-11-21 5 galactic 0.003148 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix SAGE IRAC2
1068 ov-gso/P/SCANDELS/irac1 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 1.729E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-CANDELS IRAC1
1069 ov-gso/P/SCANDELS/irac2 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 1.729E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-CANDELS IRAC2
1070 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac1 3 2019-12-06 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC1
1071 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac2 3 2019-12-06 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC2
1072 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac2/SIGMA 2020-10-02 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC2 SIGMA
1073 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac3 3 2019-12-06 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC3
1074 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac3/SIGMA 2020-10-02 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC3 SIGMA
1075 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac4 2019-12-16 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC4
1076 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/irac4/SIGMA 2020-10-02 5 galactic 1.576E-4 png,jpeg,fits 2Mpix S-COSMOS IRAC4 SIGMA
1077 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/mips1 3 2019-12-06 5 galactic 2.390E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix S-COSMOS MIPS1
1078 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/mips1/SIGMA 2020-10-02 5 galactic 2.390E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix S-COSMOS MIPS1 SIGMA
1079 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/mips2 3 2019-12-06 5 galactic 2.390E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix S-COSMOS MIPS2
1080 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/mips2/SIGMA 2020-09-22 5 galactic 2.441E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix S-COSMOS MIPS2 SIGMA
1081 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/mips3 3 2019-12-06 5 galactic 2.390E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix S-COSMOS MIPS3
1082 ov-gso/P/SCOSMOS/mips3/SIGMA 2020-09-22 5 galactic 2.441E-4 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix S-COSMOS MIPS3 SIGMA
1083 ov-gso/P/SDWFS/irac1 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 4.374E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix SDWFS IRAC1
1084 ov-gso/P/SDWFS/irac2 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 4.475E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix SDWFS IRAC2
1085 ov-gso/P/SDWFS/irac3 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 4.374E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix SDWFS IRAC3
1086 ov-gso/P/SDWFS/irac4 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 4.475E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix SDWFS IRAC4
1087 ov-gso/P/SEDIGISM/13CO/MOM0 2024-02-02 6 galactic 0.005371 png,jpeg,fits 257Mpix SEDIGISM 13CO(2-1) MOM0
1088 ov-gso/P/SEDIGISM/C18O/MOM0 2024-02-02 6 galactic 0.005371 png,jpeg,fits 257Mpix SEDIGISM C18O(2-1) MOM0
1089 ov-gso/P/SEP/mips1 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 5.289E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix SEP MIPS1
1090 ov-gso/P/SEP/mips1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 5.289E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix SEP MIPS1 SIGMA
1091 ov-gso/P/SEP/mips2 3 2019-12-03 5 galactic 4.933E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix SEP MIPS2
1092 ov-gso/P/SEP/mips2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 4.933E-4 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix SEP MIPS2 SIGMA
1093 ov-gso/P/SERVS/irac1 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.001104 png,jpeg,fits 13Mpix SERVS IRAC1
1094 ov-gso/P/SERVS/irac1/SIGMA 2020-09-21 5 galactic 0.001099 png,jpeg,fits 13Mpix SERVS IRAC1 SIGMA
1095 ov-gso/P/SERVS/irac2 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.001088 png,jpeg,fits 13Mpix SERVS IRAC2
1096 ov-gso/P/SERVS/irac2/SIGMA 2020-09-21 5 galactic 0.001165 png,jpeg,fits 14Mpix SERVS IRAC2 SIGMA
1097 ov-gso/P/SGPS/CONT 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.007812 png,jpeg,fits 6Mpix 21-cm continuum - Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS)
1098 ov-gso/P/SGPS/II 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.01049 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS)
1099 ov-gso/P/SHASSA 3 2019-10-14 4 galactic 0.6459 png,jpeg,fits 2Gpix SHASSA Continuum Subtracted
1100 ov-gso/P/SHASSA/CONT 3 2019-10-08 4 galactic 0.6459 png,jpeg,fits 2Gpix SHASSA Continuum
1101 ov-gso/P/SHASSA/HA 3 2019-10-14 4 galactic 0.6459 png,jpeg,fits 2Gpix SHASSA H-alpha
1102 ov-gso/P/SHASSA/SM 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.6459 png,jpeg,fits 484Mpix SHASSA SM
1103 ov-gso/P/SINGS/irac1 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.00179 png,jpeg,fits 21Mpix SINGS IRAC1
1104 ov-gso/P/SINGS/irac2 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.001795 png,jpeg,fits 22Mpix SINGS IRAC2
1105 ov-gso/P/SINGS/irac3 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.00179 png,jpeg,fits 21Mpix SINGS IRAC3
1106 ov-gso/P/SINGS/irac4 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.001801 png,jpeg,fits 22Mpix SINGS IRAC4
1107 ov-gso/P/SINGS/mips1 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.003377 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix SINGS MIPS1
1108 ov-gso/P/SINGS/mips2 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.003174 png,jpeg,fits 38Mpix SINGS MIPS2
1109 ov-gso/P/SINGS/mips3 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 0.003265 png,jpeg,fits 39Mpix SINGS MIPS3
1110 ov-gso/P/SMOG/irac1 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.053E-4 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix SMOG IRAC1
1111 ov-gso/P/SMOG/irac2 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.002E-4 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix SMOG IRAC2
1112 ov-gso/P/SMOG/irac3 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.053E-4 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix SMOG IRAC3
1113 ov-gso/P/SMOG/irac4 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 9.002E-4 png,jpeg,fits 11Mpix SMOG IRAC4
1114 ov-gso/P/SMUVS/irac1 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 9.155E-5 png,jpeg,fits 1Mpix SMUVS IRAC1
1115 ov-gso/P/SMUVS/irac2 3 2019-12-04 5 galactic 9.155E-5 png,jpeg,fits 1Mpix SMUVS IRAC2
1116 ov-gso/P/SRELICS/irac1 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 9.714E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix SRELICS IRAC1
1117 ov-gso/P/SRELICS/irac1/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 9.816E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix SRELICS IRAC1 SIGMA
1118 ov-gso/P/SRELICS/irac2 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 9.613E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix SRELICS IRAC2
1119 ov-gso/P/SRELICS/irac2/SIGMA 3 2020-10-02 5 galactic 9.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 12Mpix SRELICS IRAC2 SIGMA
1120 ov-gso/P/STOCKERT/11cm 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.1017 png,jpeg,fits 1Mpix Stockert 11cm
1121 ov-gso/P/SUMSS 3 2019-10-15 4 galactic 0.2544 png,jpeg,fits 762Mpix The Survey University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS)
1122 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac1 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.002075 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC1
1123 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 0.002075 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC1 SIGMA
1124 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac2 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.002065 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC2
1125 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 0.00206 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC2 SIGMA
1126 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac3 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.002075 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC3
1127 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac3/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 0.002075 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC3 SIGMA
1128 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac4 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.00206 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC4
1129 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/irac4/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 0.00206 png,jpeg,fits 25Mpix SWIRE IRAC4 SIGMA
1130 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/mips1 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.002304 png,jpeg,fits 28Mpix SWIRE MIPS1
1131 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/mips1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 0.002258 png,jpeg,fits 27Mpix SWIRE MIPS1 SIGMA
1132 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/mips2 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.002284 png,jpeg,fits 27Mpix SWIRE MIPS2
1133 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/mips2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 0.002263 png,jpeg,fits 27Mpix SWIRE MIPS2 SIGMA
1134 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/mips3 3 2019-12-16 5 galactic 0.002289 png,jpeg,fits 27Mpix SWIRE MIPS3
1135 ov-gso/P/SWIRE/mips3/SIGMA 3 2020-09-22 5 galactic 0.002233 png,jpeg,fits 27Mpix SWIRE MIPS3 SIGMA
1136 ov-gso/P/SpIES/irac1 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 0.003983 png,jpeg,fits 48Mpix SpIES IRAC1
1137 ov-gso/P/SpIES/irac1/SIGMA 3 2020-10-06 5 galactic 0.003983 png,jpeg,fits 48Mpix SpIES IRAC1 SIGMA
1138 ov-gso/P/SpIES/irac2 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 0.003998 png,jpeg,fits 48Mpix SpIES IRAC2
1139 ov-gso/P/SpIES/irac2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-29 5 galactic 0.003988 png,jpeg,fits 48Mpix SpIES IRAC2 SIGMA
1140 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac1 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC1
1141 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC1 SIGMA
1142 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac2 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC2
1143 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac2/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC2 SIGMA
1144 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac3 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC3
1145 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac3/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC3 SIGMA
1146 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac4 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC4
1147 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/irac4/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 8.138E-5 png,jpeg,fits 998Kpix SpUDS IRAC4 SIGMA
1148 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/mips1 3 2019-12-05 5 galactic 1.068E-4 png,jpeg,fits 1Mpix SpUDS MIPS1
1149 ov-gso/P/SpUDS/mips1/SIGMA 3 2020-09-21 5 galactic 1.068E-4 png,jpeg,fits 1Mpix SpUDS MIPS1 SIGMA
1150 ov-gso/P/THOR/1060 3 2023-09-08 6 galactic 0.006571 png,jpeg,fits 315Mpix THOR Continuum 1060 MHz
1151 ov-gso/P/THOR/1310 3 2023-09-08 6 galactic 0.006388 png,jpeg,fits 306Mpix THOR Continuum 1310 MHz
1152 ov-gso/P/THOR/1440 3 2023-09-08 6 galactic 0.006388 png,jpeg,fits 306Mpix THOR Continuum 1060 MHz
1153 ov-gso/P/THOR/1690 3 2023-09-08 6 galactic 0.006368 png,jpeg,fits 305Mpix THOR Continuum 1690 MHz
1154 ov-gso/P/THOR/1820 3 2023-09-08 6 galactic 0.006368 png,jpeg,fits 305Mpix THOR Continuum 1820 MHz
1155 ov-gso/P/THOR/1950 3 2023-09-08 6 galactic 0.006307 png,jpeg,fits 302Mpix THOR Continuum 1950 MHz
1156 ov-gso/P/THOR/HI 3 2023-08-17 6 galactic 0.004445 png,jpeg,fits 213Mpix THOR HI
1157 ov-gso/P/THRUMMS/12CO/TPK 3 2023-09-05 4 galactic 0.003479 png,jpeg,fits 10Mpix ThrUMMS 12CO TPK
1158 ov-gso/P/THRUMMS/13CO/TPK 3 2023-09-05 4 galactic 0.004517 png,jpeg,fits 14Mpix THRUMMS 13CO TPK
1159 ov-gso/P/Taurus/irac1 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.00147 png,jpeg,fits 18Mpix Taurus IRAC1
1160 ov-gso/P/Taurus/irac2 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.001465 png,jpeg,fits 18Mpix Taurus IRAC2
1161 ov-gso/P/Taurus/irac3 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.00147 png,jpeg,fits 18Mpix Taurus IRAC3
1162 ov-gso/P/Taurus/irac4 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.00146 png,jpeg,fits 17Mpix Taurus IRAC4
1163 ov-gso/P/Taurus/mips1 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.001546 png,jpeg,fits 19Mpix Taurus MIPS1
1164 ov-gso/P/Taurus/mips2 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.001134 png,jpeg,fits 14Mpix Taurus MIPS2
1165 ov-gso/P/Taurus/mips3 3 2019-12-10 5 galactic 0.001124 png,jpeg,fits 13Mpix Taurus MIPS3
1166 ov-gso/P/URUMQI 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05794 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix URUMQI
1167 ov-gso/P/URUMQI/POLQ 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05794 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix URUMQI POLQ
1168 ov-gso/P/URUMQI/POLU 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.05794 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix URUMQI POLU
1169 ov-gso/P/VELACAR/irac2 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 0.003377 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix Vela-Carina IRAC2
1170 ov-gso/P/VELACAR/irac3 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 0.00326 png,jpeg,fits 39Mpix Vela-Carina IRAC3
1171 ov-gso/P/VELACAR/irac4 3 2019-11-25 5 galactic 0.003377 png,jpeg,fits 40Mpix Vela-Carina IRAC4
1172 ov-gso/P/VELACAR_irac1 2023-12-21 5 galactic 0.00326 png,jpeg,fits 39Mpix Vela-Carina IRAC1
1173 ov-gso/P/VGPS/CONT 2019-10-08 4 galactic 0.007919 png,jpeg,fits 24Mpix VGPS_CONT_1_8192_partial.fits
1174 ov-gso/P/VLSSr 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.7479 png,jpeg,fits 560Mpix VLSSr 74 MHz
1175 ov-gso/P/VNGS/160 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 4.119E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix VNGS 160 microns (UPDP)
1176 ov-gso/P/VNGS/250 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 6.561E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix VNGS 250 microns
1177 ov-gso/P/VNGS/250/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 6.561E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix VNGS 250 microns SIGMA
1178 ov-gso/P/VNGS/350 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 6.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix VNGS 350 microns
1179 ov-gso/P/VNGS/350/SIGMA 3 2019-10-14 5 galactic 6.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix VNGS 350 microns SIGMA
1180 ov-gso/P/VNGS/500 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 6.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix VNGS 500 microns
1181 ov-gso/P/VNGS/500/SIGMA 3 2019-10-08 5 galactic 6.663E-4 png,jpeg,fits 8Mpix VNGS 500 microns SIGMA
1182 ov-gso/P/VNGS/70 3 2022-10-07 5 galactic 4.221E-4 png,jpeg,fits 5Mpix VNGS 70 microns (UPDP)
1183 ov-gso/P/VTSS/CONT 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.1894 png,jpeg,fits 142Mpix Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey (VTSS) - Continuum corrected Halpha image
1184 ov-gso/P/VTSS/Ha 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 0.2002 png,jpeg,fits 150Mpix lite Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey (VTSS) - Halpha image
1185 ov-gso/P/WHAM 3 2019-10-08 3 galactic 1 png,jpeg,fits 3Mpix WHAM Halpha
1186 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/halpha 2024-10-20 6 equatorial 0.6464 fits 10Gpix desktop Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, H-alpha
1187 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/halpha8 2024-10-22 6 equatorial 0.6464 png 10Gpix Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, H-alpha (8 bit)
1188 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/hbr8 2024-10-26 5 equatorial 0.651 png color 3Gpix Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, H-alpha and continuum
1189 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/sn-halpha 2024-10-19 5 equatorial 0.6466 fits 3Gpix desktop Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, Estimated variance of H-alpha
1190 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/sn-vc 2024-10-19 5 equatorial 0.6466 fits 3Gpix desktop Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, Estimated variance of visual continuum
1191 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/tc8 2024-10-26 5 equatorial 0.651 png color 3Gpix Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, True-color
1192 simg.de/P/NSNS/DR0_1/vc 2024-10-19 5 equatorial 0.6464 fits 3Gpix desktop Northern Sky Narrowband Survey, DR0.1, visual continuum
1193 svo.cab/GTC 2016-02-03 11 equatorial 7.251E-6 png,fits live 237Mpix GTC Public Archive
1194 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UHSDR1/J 3 2018-10-16 10 equatorial 0.3083 png,fits yes 2Tpix desktop UHS DR1 J
1195 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/GCS/H 4 2019-10-24 10 equatorial 0.01394 png,fits yes 111Gpix desktop GCSH
1196 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/GCS/J 4 2019-10-24 10 equatorial 0.01705 png,fits yes 136Gpix desktop GCSJ
1197 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/GCS/K1 4 2019-10-24 10 equatorial 0.02913 png,fits yes 233Gpix desktop GCSK1
1198 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/GCS/K2 4 2019-10-24 10 equatorial 0.01118 png,fits yes 89Gpix desktop GCSK2
1199 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/GCS/Y 4 2019-10-24 10 equatorial 0.01701 png,fits yes 136Gpix desktop GCSY
1200 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/GCS/Z 4 2019-10-24 10 equatorial 0.01697 png,fits yes 136Gpix desktop GCSZ
1201 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/LAS/H 4 2019-11-18 10 equatorial 0.08884 png,fits yes 710Gpix desktop LASH
1202 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/LAS/J1 4 2019-11-17 10 equatorial 0.08676 png,fits yes 693Gpix desktop LASJ1
1203 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/LAS/J2 4 2019-11-17 10 equatorial 0.03552 png,fits yes 284Gpix desktop LASJ2
1204 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/LAS/K 4 2019-11-19 10 equatorial 0.08913 png,fits yes 712Gpix desktop LASK
1205 wfau.roe.ac.uk/P/UKIDSS/LAS/Y 4 2019-11-22 10 equatorial 0.08876 png,fits yes 709Gpix desktop LASY
1206 xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/color 3 2023-06-05 7 equatorial 0.09202 png color 6Gpix lite False color X-ray images (Red=0.5-1 Green=1-2 Blue=2-4.5 Kev )
1207 xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb2 3 2023-06-05 7 equatorial 0.09202 png,fits yes 11Gpix X-ray images on band 0.5-1Kev
1208 xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb3 2023-06-05 7 equatorial 0.09202 png,fits yes 11Gpix X-ray images on band 1-2Kev
1209 xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb4 2023-06-05 7 equatorial 0.09202 png,fits yes 11Gpix X-ray images on band 2-4.5Kev

2) HiPS planet maps

# ID Mirror
Coverage Tile
Mode Progen Pixels Aladin
1 CDS/P/Ariel/Voyager 2 2019-05-21 3 ariel 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Ariel Voyager
2 CDS/P/Callisto/Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km 2 2019-05-21 3 callisto 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Callisto Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km
3 CDS/P/Charon/NewHorizon-PIA19866 2 2019-05-21 3 charon 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Charon NewHorizon PIA19866
4 CDS/P/Dione/Cassini-PIA12577 2 2019-05-21 3 dione 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Dione Cassini PIA12577
5 CDS/P/Earth/BlueMarble 2 2019-05-21 5 earth 1 jpeg color 4Gpix Blue Marble Next Generation w/ Topography and Bathymetry
6 CDS/P/Earth/DEM/elevation 2 2024-03-21 8 earth 1 png,fits 499Gpix Earth elevation
7 CDS/P/Earth/DEM/elevation-hillshading 2 2024-03-21 8 earth 1 png color 250Gpix Earth elevation + hillshading
8 CDS/P/Earth/DEM/hillshading 2 2024-03-21 8 earth 1 jpeg,fits 499Gpix Hillshading derived from earth elevation
9 CDS/P/Enceladus/Cassini-110m 2 2019-05-21 3 enceladus 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Enceladus Cassini 110m (PIA 12564)
10 CDS/P/Europa/Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m 2 2019-05-21 3 europa 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Europa Voyager-GalileoSSI-500m
11 CDS/P/Ganymede/VoyagerGalileo-SSI-1km 2 2019-05-21 3 ganymede 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Ganymede VoyagerGalileo SSI 1km
12 CDS/P/Iapetus/Cassini-PIA18436 2 2019-05-21 3 iapetus 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Iapetus Cassini PIA18436
13 CDS/P/Io/Galileo-SSI-1km 2 2019-05-21 3 io 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Io Galileo-SSI-1km
14 CDS/P/Jupiter/PIA07782 2 2019-05-21 3 jupiter 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Jupiter PIA07782
15 CDS/P/Mars/Express286545 2 2019-05-21 3 mars 1 jpeg 250Mpix Mapping Mars (Mars Express)
16 CDS/P/Mars/MGS-MOLA-DEM 2 2019-05-21 4 mars 1 jpeg,fits yes 2Gpix Mars MGS MOLA Elevation Model 463m (MEGDR)
17 CDS/P/Mars/MGS-TES-Dust 2 2019-05-21 3 mars 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Mars MGS TES Dust
18 CDS/P/Mars/MOLA-color 3 2019-05-21 5 mars 1 jpeg color 4Gpix Mars MOLA Shaded Relief / Colorised Elevation
19 CDS/P/Mars/MRO-CTX 2 2024-04-03 11 mars 0.9994 jpeg 16Tpix Mars MRO CTX
20 CDS/P/Mars/Pan-PIA20284 2 2019-05-21 3 mars-pia20284 0.8385 jpeg color 209Mpix Mars Panorama PIA20284
21 CDS/P/Mars/Pan-Perseverance-PIA24422 2 2021-03-05 3 mars-pia24422 0.8385 jpeg color 209Mpix Mars Panorama Perseverance PIA24422
22 CDS/P/Mars/Pan-Stimson 2 2019-05-21 4 mars-stimson 0.6875 jpeg color 686Mpix Mars Stimson panorama
23 CDS/P/Mars/TES-Albedo 2 2019-05-21 3 mars 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Mars TES Albedo
24 CDS/P/Mars/TES-Thermal-Inertia 2 2019-05-21 3 mars 0.9635 jpeg color 240Mpix Mars TES Thermal Inertia
25 CDS/P/Mars/THEMIS-Day-100m-v12 2 2019-05-21 7 mars 0.999 jpeg,fits 125Gpix Mars THEMIS-Day-100m-v12
26 CDS/P/Mars/THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14 2 2019-05-21 7 mars 0.8511 jpeg,fits 106Gpix Mars THEMIS-IR-Night-100m-v14
27 CDS/P/Mars/THEMIS-color 2 2019-05-21 5 mars 1 jpeg color 4Gpix Mars THEMIS Day IR Global Mosaic 100m v12
28 CDS/P/Mars/Viking-MDIM21-color 2 2019-05-21 5 mars 1 jpeg color yes 4Gpix Mars Viking-MDIM21-color
29 CDS/P/Mars/mola-roughness 2 2019-05-21 3 mars 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Mars mola-roughness
30 CDS/P/Mercury/MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m 2 2019-05-21 5 mercury 1 jpeg color 4Gpix Mercury MESSENGER-MDIS-LOI-166m
31 CDS/P/Mimas/Cassini-PIA17214 2 2019-05-21 3 mimas 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Mimas Cassini PIA17214
32 CDS/P/Miranda/Voyager 2 2019-05-21 3 miranda 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Miranda Voyager
33 CDS/P/Moon/Clementine-750nm-118m 2 2019-05-21 5 moon 1 jpeg color 4Gpix Moon Clementine-750nm-118m
34 CDS/P/Moon/JSC2007e045375 2 2019-05-21 3 moon-pan1 0.375 jpeg color 94Mpix Apollo surface panorama JSC2007e045375
35 CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m 2 2019-05-21 3 moon 1 png color 250Mpix Moon Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m
36 CDS/P/Moon/LROC-WAC-100m 2 2019-05-21 6 moon 1 jpeg color 16Gpix Moon Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter WAC Global Morphologic Map
37 CDS/P/Moon/LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m 2 2019-05-21 5 moon 0.9863 jpeg color 4Gpix Moon LROC WAC GLD100 118m
38 CDS/P/Moon/geological-map 2 2020-07-03 3 moon 1 png color yes 250Mpix Unified Geological Map of the Moon
39 CDS/P/Neptune/Voyager2 2 2019-05-21 3 neptune 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Neptune Voyager2
40 CDS/P/Oberon/Voyager 2 2019-05-21 3 oberon 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Oberon Voyager
41 CDS/P/Pluto/NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m 2 2023-03-27 3 pluto 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Pluto NewHorizons-Jul2017-300m
42 CDS/P/Rhea/Cassini-PIA12803 2 2019-05-21 3 rhea 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Rhea Cassini PIA12803
43 CDS/P/Sun/euvi-aia304-2012 2 2019-05-21 3 sun 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Sun euvi-aia304-2012
44 CDS/P/Tethys/Cassini-PIA18439 2 2019-05-21 3 tethys 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Tethys Cassini-PIA18439
45 CDS/P/Titan/ISS-P19658-4km 2 2019-05-21 3 titan 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Titan ISS-P19658-4km
46 CDS/P/Titan/SAR-HiSAR-128ppd 2 2019-05-21 4 titan 1 jpeg color 998Mpix Titan SAR-HiSAR-128ppd
47 CDS/P/Titania/Voyager 2 2019-05-21 3 titania 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Titania Voyager
48 CDS/P/Triton/Voyager2-600m 2 2019-05-21 3 triton 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Triton Voyager2-600m
49 CDS/P/Umbriel/Voyager 2 2019-05-21 3 umbriel 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Umbriel Voyager
50 CDS/P/Venus/Magellan/C3-MDIR-2025m 2 2019-05-21 3 venus 1 png,fits 499Mpix Magellan Global C3-MDIR Mosaic 2025m
51 CDS/P/Venus/Magellan/C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color 2 2019-05-21 3 venus 1 jpeg color 250Mpix Venus Magellan C3-MDIR-ClrTopo-6600m-color
52 CDS/P/Venus/Magellan/MeterScaleSlope-4641m 2 2019-05-21 3 venus 1 png,fits 499Mpix Venus Magellan MeterScaleSlope-4641m
53 CDS/P/Venus/Magellan/Microwave-Emissivity-4641m 2 2019-05-21 3 venus 1 png,fits 499Mpix Venus Magellan Microwave-Emissivity-4641m
54 CDS/P/Venus/Magellan/Topography-4641m 2 2019-05-21 3 venus 1 png,fits 499Mpix Venus Magellan Topography-4641m
55 IAPS/P/Ceres/Dawn/FC-CE-LAMO-CLR 2 2019-09-04 5 ceres 1 jpeg color 4Gpix Ceres DAWN-A-FC2-5-CERESMOSAIC-V2.0
56 idoc/P/omega/albedo_filled 2018-10-01 3 mars 1 png,fits yes 499Mpix omega albedo_filled
57 idoc/P/omega/albedo_r1080 2018-10-17 3 mars 0.9937 png,fits yes 496Mpix omega albedo_r1080
58 idoc/P/omega/albedo_unfilled 2018-10-01 3 mars 0.9771 png,fits yes 488Mpix omega albedo_unfilled
59 idoc/P/omega/emissivite_5-03mic 2018-10-17 3 mars 0.9942 png,fits yes 496Mpix omega emissivite_5-03mic
60 idoc/P/omega/emissivite_5-05mic 2018-10-17 3 mars 0.9942 png,fits yes 496Mpix omega emissivite_5-05mic
61 idoc/P/omega/emissivite_5-07mic 2018-10-17 3 mars 0.9942 png,fits yes 496Mpix omega emissivite_5-07mic
62 idoc/P/omega/emissivite_5-09mic 2018-10-17 3 mars 0.9942 png,fits yes 496Mpix omega emissivite_5-09mic
63 idoc/P/omega/ferric_bd530 2018-10-17 3 mars 0.9477 png,fits yes 473Mpix omega ferric_bd530
64 idoc/P/omega/ferric_nnphs 2018-09-17 3 mars 0.9285 png,fits yes 464Mpix omega ferric_nnphs
65 idoc/P/omega/olivine_osp1 2018-09-17 3 mars 0.04342 png,fits yes 22Mpix omega olivine_osp1
66 idoc/P/omega/olivine_osp2 2018-09-17 3 mars 0.004227 png,fits yes 2Mpix omega olivine_osp2
67 idoc/P/omega/olivine_osp3 2018-09-17 3 mars 0.005514 png,fits yes 3Mpix omega olivine_osp3
68 idoc/P/omega/pyroxene_bd2000 2018-09-17 3 mars 0.5203 png,fits yes 260Mpix omega pyroxene_bd2000

3) HiPS cubes

# ID Mirror
Coverage Tile
Mode Progen Pixels Aladin
1 CDS/C/CALIFA/V500/DR2 2 2019-05-20 9 equatorial 2.937E-4 png yes 550Gpix CALIFA DR2 V500 (R~850, 3750-7500 A)
2 CDS/C/CGPS-HI 2 2019-05-05 5 equatorial 0.03684 png,fits yes 78Gpix CGPS data cubes HI (21cm)
3 CDS/C/GALFAHI/Narrow 2 2019-05-20 3 equatorial 0.3164 png,fits yes 316Gpix GALFA-HI Narrow
4 CDS/C/GALFAHI/Narrow/DR2 2 2019-05-22 3 equatorial 0.3217 png,fits yes 321Gpix GALFAHI Narrow DR2
5 CDS/C/GALFAHI/Wide/DR2 2 2019-05-21 3 equatorial 0.3217 png,fits yes 321Gpix GALFAHI Wide DR2
6 CDS/C/HI4PI/HI 2 2019-05-22 3 equatorial 1 jpeg,fits yes 461Gpix HI4PI HI survey (individual cubes)
7 CDS/C/HIPASS 2 2019-05-22 3 equatorial 0.7708 png,fits yes 385Gpix HIPASS
8 CDS/C/MUSE-M42 2 2019-05-21 12 equatorial 2.980E-7 png,fits 145Gpix desktop MUSE map of the central Orion Nebula (M 42)
9 CDS/C/MaNGA 2 2019-06-03 12 equatorial 2.104E-5 png,fits yes 192Gpix MaNGA
10 CDS/C/Mopra/12CO 2 2019-05-22 4 equatorial 6.148E-4 png,fits yes 3Gpix Mopra 12CO
11 CDS/C/Mopra/13CO 2 2019-05-22 4 equatorial 5.540E-4 png,fits yes 2Gpix Mopra 13CO
12 CDS/C/Mopra/C17O 2 2019-05-22 4 equatorial 5.928E-4 png,fits yes 3Gpix Mopra C17O
13 CDS/C/Mopra/C18O 2 2019-05-22 4 equatorial 3.681E-4 png,fits yes 2Gpix Mopra C18O
14 CDS/P/3D-Dust-Bayestar19 2 2019-09-19 3 galactic 0.764 png,fits 3Gpix Reddening (E(B-V)) Map (Green et al. 2019)
15 CDS/P/ACT/DR4/f090 2 2021-03-17 4 equatorial 0.4578 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT DR4 f090
16 CDS/P/ACT/DR4/f150 2 2021-03-17 4 equatorial 0.476 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT DR4 f150
17 CDS/P/ACT/DR5/f150 2 2021-05-21 4 equatorial 0.4857 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT DR5 f150
18 CDS/P/ACT/DR5/f220 2 2021-05-21 4 equatorial 0.4816 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT DR5 f220
19 CDS/P/ACT/DR5/f90 2 2021-05-21 4 equatorial 0.4749 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT DR5 f090
20 CDS/P/ACT_Planck/DR4/f090 2 2021-03-15 4 equatorial 0.4578 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT_Planck DR4 f090
21 CDS/P/ACT_Planck/DR4/f150 2 2021-03-12 4 equatorial 0.476 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT_Planck DR4 f150
22 CDS/P/ACT_Planck/DR5/f150 2 2021-05-21 4 equatorial 0.4857 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT_Planck DR5 f150
23 CDS/P/ACT_Planck/DR5/f220 2 2021-05-21 4 equatorial 0.4816 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT_Planck DR5 f220
24 CDS/P/ACT_Planck/DR5/f90 2 2021-05-21 4 equatorial 0.4749 png,fits yes 3Gpix ACT_Planck DR5 f090

4) HiPS catalogs

# ID Mirror
Coverage Tile
Rows Aladin
1 CDS/B/denis/denis 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.4333 tsv 3.55E+08 The DENIS database (DENIS Consortium, 2005) (denis)
2 CDS/I/252/out 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9993 tsv 5.26E+08 The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998)
3 CDS/I/254/out 2023-11-16 7 equatorial 1 tsv 2.52E+07 The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.2 (Lasker+ 1996)
4 CDS/I/259/tyc2 2023-11-16 6 equatorial 1 tsv 2.54E+06 The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000) (tyc2)
5 CDS/I/271/out 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 1 tsv 4.56E+08 The GSC 2.2 Catalogue (STScI, 2001)
6 CDS/I/284/out 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9999 tsv 1.05E+09 The USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet+ 2003)
7 CDS/I/305/out 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9997 tsv 9.46E+08 The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.3.2 (GSC2.3) (STScI, 2006)
8 CDS/I/312/sample 2023-11-16 7 equatorial 1 tsv 1.81E+07 PPMX Catalog of positions and proper motions (Roeser+ 2008)
9 CDS/I/317/sample 2023-11-16 9 equatorial 1 tsv 9.10E+08 The PPMXL Catalog (Roeser+ 2010)
10 CDS/I/319/xpm 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9932 tsv 3.14E+08 XPM Catalog of positions and proper motions (Fedorov+ 2011) (xpm)
11 CDS/I/320/spm4 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.3228 tsv 1.03E+08 SPM 4.0 Catalog (Girard+, 2011) (spm4)
12 CDS/I/322A/out 2023-11-16 9 equatorial 0.999 tsv 1.14E+08 UCAC4 Catalogue (Zacharias+, 2012)
13 CDS/I/324/igsl3 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9969 tsv 1.22E+09 The Initial Gaia Source List (IGSL) (Smart, 2013) (igsl3)
14 CDS/I/327/cmc15 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.6898 tsv 1.35E+08 Carlsberg Meridian Catalog 15 (CMC15) (CMC, 2011) (cmc15)
15 CDS/I/329/urat1 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.6081 tsv 2.28E+08 URAT1 Catalog (Zacharias+ 2015) (urat1)
16 CDS/I/337/gaia 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.9987 tsv 1.14E+09 Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration, 2016) (gaia)
17 CDS/I/337/tgas 2023-11-16 6 equatorial 0.9997 tsv 2.06E+06 Gaia DR1 (Gaia Collaboration, 2016) (tgas)
18 CDS/I/337/tgas_parallax 2023-11-16 6 equatorial 0.9997 tsv 0.00E+00 TGAS data sorted by parallax
19 CDS/I/339/hsoy 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9982 tsv 5.83E+08 Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY) (Altmann+, 2017) (hsoy)
20 CDS/I/340/ucac5 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.9976 tsv 1.08E+08 UCAC5 Catalogue (Zacharias+ 2017) (ucac5)
21 CDS/I/345/gaia2 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 1 tsv 1.69E+09 Gaia DR2 (Gaia Collaboration, 2018) (gaia2)
22 CDS/I/350/gaiaedr3 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 1 tsv 1.81E+09 Gaia EDR3 (Gaia Collaboration, 2020) (gaiaedr3)
23 CDS/I/354/starhorse2021 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9864 tsv 3.62E+08 StarHorse2, Gaia EDR3 photo-astrometric distances (Anders+, 2022) (starhorse2021)
24 CDS/I/355/gaiadr3 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 1 tsv 1.81E+09 Gaia DR3 Part 1. Main source (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (gaiadr3)
25 CDS/I/358/varisum 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.7274 tsv 1.18E+07 Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (varisum)
26 CDS/I/360/syntphot 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9318 tsv 2.19E+08 Gaia DR3 Part 6. Performance verification (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) (syntphot)
27 CDS/II/246/out 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9976 tsv 4.71E+08 2MASS All-Sky Catalog of Point Sources (Cutri+ 2003)
28 CDS/II/281/2mass6x 2023-11-16 9 equatorial 0.0131 tsv 2.40E+07 2MASS 6X Point Source Working Database / Catalog (Cutri+ 2006) (2mass6x)
29 CDS/II/293/glimpse 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.01104 tsv 1.04E+08 GLIMPSE Source Catalog (I + II + 3D) (IPAC 2008) (glimpse)
30 CDS/II/294/sdss7 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.2662 tsv 6.57E+07 The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 7 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2009) (sdss7)
31 CDS/II/312/ais 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.5532 tsv 6.53E+07 GALEX-DR5 (GR5) sources from AIS and MIS (Bianchi+ 2011) (ais)
32 CDS/II/328/allwise 2023-11-16 9 equatorial 1 tsv 7.48E+08 AllWISE Data Release (Cutri+ 2013) (allwise)
33 CDS/II/336/apass9 2023-11-16 9 equatorial 0.9815 tsv 6.12E+07 AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey (APASS) DR9 (Henden+, 2016) (apass9)
34 CDS/II/341/vphasp 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.01624 tsv 3.19E+08 VPHAS+ DR2 survey (Drew+, 2016) (vphasp)
35 CDS/II/343/viking2 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.01705 tsv 4.63E+07 VIKING catalogue data release 2 (Edge+, 2016) (viking2)
36 CDS/II/344/kids 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.003771 tsv 0.00E+00 The KiDS DR2 catalogue
37 CDS/II/347/kids_dr3 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.01087 tsv 4.87E+07 KiDS-ESO-DR3 multi-band source catalog (de Jong+, 2017) (kids_dr3)
38 CDS/II/348/vvv2 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.01373 tsv 4.19E+08 VISTA Variable in the Via Lactea Survey DR2 (Minniti+, 2017) (vvv2)
39 CDS/II/349/ps1 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.7793 tsv 1.92E+09 The Pan-STARRS release 1 (PS1) Survey - DR1 (Chambers+, 2016) (ps1)
40 CDS/II/350/vstatlas 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.09562 tsv 1.07E+08 VLT Survey Telescope ATLAS (Shanks+, 2015) (vstatlas)
41 CDS/II/351/vmc_dr4 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 8.517E-4 tsv 1.39E+07 VISTA Magellanic Survey (VMC) catalog (Cioni+, 2011) (vmc_dr4)
42 CDS/II/358/smss 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.5045 tsv 2.85E+08 SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey. DR1.1 (Wolf+, 2018) (smss)
43 CDS/II/360/catalog 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.2606 tsv 1.02E+08 Gaia DR2 x AllWISE catalogue (Marton+, 2019) (catalog)
44 CDS/II/363/unwise 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 1 tsv 2.21E+09 The band-merged unWISE Catalog (Schlafly+, 2019) (unwise)
45 CDS/II/364/virac 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.01381 tsv 3.13E+08 VIRAC. The VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalogue (Smith+, 2019) (virac)
46 CDS/II/365/catwise 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.9992 tsv 1.89E+09 The CatWISE2020 catalog (updated version 28-Jan-2021) (Marocco+, 2021) (catwise)
47 CDS/II/367/vhs_dr5 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.4062 tsv 1.37E+09 The VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) catalog DR5 (McMahon+, 2020) (vhs_dr5)
48 CDS/II/371/des_dr2 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.1261 tsv 6.91E+08 The Dark Energy Survey (DES): Data Release 2 (Abott+, 2021) (des_dr2)
49 CDS/IV/38/tic 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 1 tsv 1.73E+09 TESS Input Catalog - v8.0 (TIC-8) (Stassun+, 2019) (tic)
50 CDS/Simbad 2025-02-06 7 equatorial 1 tsv 2.02E+07 desktop SIMBAD Astronomical Database
51 CDS/V/139/sdss9 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.3566 tsv 7.94E+08 The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 9 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2012) (sdss9)
52 CDS/V/147/sdss12 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.352 tsv 7.94E+08 The SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release 12 (Alam+, 2015) (sdss12)
53 CDS/V/165/igapsdr1 2023-11-16 10 equatorial 0.04634 tsv 2.95E+08 IGAPS. merged IPHAS and UVEX of northern Galactic plane (Monguio+, 2020) (igapsdr1)
54 CDS/VI/137/gum_mw 2023-11-16 11 equatorial 0.9997 tsv 2.15E+09 GaiaSimu Universe Model Snapshot (Robin+, 2012) (gum_mw)
55 CDS/VI/145/attitude 2023-11-16 6 equatorial 1 tsv 8.63E+06 ASC Gaia Attitude Star Catalog (Smart, 2015) (attitude)
56 CEFCA/j-pas/JPAS-EDR/I 2024-11-20 11 equatorial 5.429E-4 tsv 8.00E+05 JPAS-EDR (November, 2024)
57 CEFCA/j-plus/J-PLUS-DR1/I 2018-07-17 10 equatorial 0.02832 tsv 1.34E+07 J-PLUS-DR1 (July, 2018)
58 CEFCA/j-plus/J-PLUS-DR2/I 2020-07-28 10 equatorial 0.0618 tsv 3.16E+07 J-PLUS-DR2 (July, 2020)
59 CEFCA/j-plus/J-PLUS-DR3/I 2022-07-01 10 equatorial 0.09087 tsv 4.75E+07 J-PLUS-DR3 (July, 2022)
60 CEFCA/minijpas/MINIJ-PAS-PDR201912/I 2019-12-02 11 equatorial 4.831E-5 tsv 6.43E+04 MINIJ-PAS-PDR201912 (December, 2019)
61 China-VO/BASS/DR1 2017-11-06 8 equatorial 0.1086 tsv 1.65E+08 Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR1 Catalog
62 China-VO/BASS/DR2 2018-03-12 10 equatorial 0.135 tsv 3.50E+08 Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR2 Catalog
63 China-VO/BASS/DR3 2019-07-16 11 equatorial 0.1424 tsv 1.95E+08 Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR3 Catalog
64 China-VO/BASS/DR3/dection_more 2019-07-16 11 equatorial 0.144 tsv 2.93E+08 Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) DR3 detection more Catalog
65 JAXA/AKARI/FIS/Catalogue/AllSky/BrightSource 2019-12-17 9 equatorial 0.06825 tsv 4.27E+05
66 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Catalogue/AllSky/PointSource 2019-12-17 9 equatorial 0.1585 tsv 8.71E+05
67 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Catalogue/Pointed/LMCPointSource 2019-12-17 9 equatorial 8.138E-4 tsv 6.60E+05
68 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Catalogue/Pointed/NEPDeep 2019-12-10 9 equatorial 2.352E-5 tsv 2.78E+04
69 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Catalogue/Pointed/NEPWide 2019-12-17 9 equatorial 0.001302 tsv 1.15E+05
70 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Spectrum/Pointed/AcuA 2020-12-15 11 equatorial 8.344E-6 tsv 1.47E+02
71 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Spectrum/Pointed/DiffuseSkyPatch 2020-12-15 11 equatorial 1.327E-5 tsv 2.78E+02
72 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Spectrum/Pointed/GALHII 2020-12-15 11 equatorial 3.019E-6 tsv 6.10E+01
73 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Spectrum/Pointed/GALPN 2020-12-16 11 equatorial 0.07161 tsv 7.20E+01
74 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Spectrum/Pointed/LMCPointSource 2020-12-16 11 equatorial 1.047E-4 tsv 2.11E+03
75 JAXA/AKARI/IRC/Spectrum/Pointed/SlitlessMIR 2020-12-16 11 equatorial 0.2539 tsv 8.62E+02
76 JAXA/CHANDRA/Catalogue 2019-12-16 9 equatorial 0.01527 tsv 3.17E+05
77 JAXA/MAXI/GSC/Catalogue 2019-02-20 4 equatorial 0.2549 tsv 8.96E+02
78 JAXA/SUZAKU/HXD/WAM/LightCurve 2021-08-17 7 equatorial 0.006165 tsv 1.90E+03
79 JAXA/SWIFT/BAT/Catalogue 2017-02-01 4 equatorial 0.9948 tsv 1.21E+03 Swift BAT progressive catalog
80 JAXA/SWIFT/XRT/Catalogue 2017-02-01 6 equatorial 0.2307 tsv 1.52E+05 Swift XRT progressive catalog
81 JAXA/XMM/EPIC/Catalogue 2019-12-13 9 equatorial 0.02827 tsv 5.31E+05
82 Leiden/TGSSADR/7sigma 2016-04-01 4 equatorial 0.9131 tsv 6.24E+05 beta The TIFR GMRT Sky Survey, Alternative Data Release
83 PRIVATE_USER/GINGA_ASM_LIGHTCURVE 2023-11-21 5 equatorial 0.0166 tsv 2.08E+02
84 wfau.roe.ac.uk/UHSDR1/J 2018-10-16 11 equatorial 0.3034 tsv 4.81E+08 UHS DR1 J

Total: 1385 HiPS (# instances up-to-date: 1818)
→ Available pixels 5.76E+14 (all HiPS resolutions, formats, 1.19E+15 with mirrors = 1192.1 thousands of billions pixels) (95.0% computed by CDS)
→ (equivalent to a photo album of all inhabitants of the earth with one 395x395 picture per human)
→ Nb catalog rows: 3.28E+10 = 32.8 billions of rows