Aladin plugin

The Aladin plugins are java codes runnable by Aladin (more info...).

They were written by Aladin users, not by the Aladin team.
You can freely use them, However, these plugins are distributed as is without any guarantee.
Please contact directly the authors for bugs, remarks,...

SSO Ephemeris Calculator

.Author(s):Jerome Berthier [IMCCE/OBSPM/CNRS]
.Version: 1.3 - May 2008
.Category: unknown
.Executable: ssoEphemerisCalculator.jar

Solar System Object Ephemerides

This plugin allows the computation of the celestial coordinates and the apparent physical aspect of the solar system objects (SSO). The results are displayed as marks in a dedicated stack which show the position of the SSO on the celestial sphere (positional ephemeris) or as a FITS image which show the simulated aspect of the SSO as seen from the observer.