Uses of Class

Packages that use Coo

Uses of Coo in cds.astro

Subclasses of Coo in cds.astro
 class Astrocoo
          This class defines the spherical coordinates used in Astronomy.
 class Astropos
          The class Astropos adds to Astrocoo the notions of mouvement (proper motions, velocity) and error ellipses.
 class Coocube
          The routines provided in this module define a "coordinate" as a face number (between 1 and 6), and two (X,Y) values in the range [-1,1[ representing the projection of a direction onto a cube.

Methods in cds.astro that return Coo
static Coo qbox)
          Get the central position of a Qbox

Methods in cds.astro with parameters of type Coo
static void qbox, Coo coo)
          Set the central position of a Qbox
static java.util.Enumeration center, double radius)
          Return all Qboxes concerned by a Circular Target
 double Coo.distance(Coo pos)
          Distance between 2 points on the sphere.
static void FK4.fromFK5(Coo coo)
          Compute FK4 position from FK5, assuming no proper motion in FK5 and an observation in B1950.
 void Astroframe.fromICRS(Coo coo)
          Conversion from ICRS.
 void FK4.fromICRS(Coo coo)
          Convert the position from the ICRS frame.
 void ICRS.fromICRS(Coo coo)
          Convert the position from the ICRS frame.
 double[][] Coo.moveMatrix(Coo coo2)
          Compute the rotation matrix to move between 2 directions.
 int QboxNumber.nearby(Coo center, int[] contig, double[] sin2d2)
          Identifies the 9 qboxes close to a target position.
 int QboxNumber.qbox(Coo c)
          Identifies the Qbox containing a given position.
 void Astropos.set(Coo coo)
          New position from a Coo
 void Coo.set(Coo coo)
          Set the position from an existing one.
 void Coocube.set(Coo coo)
          Compute the Coocube coordinates
 void Qbox.set(Coo c)
          Convert a Position into its Qbox at the default level
 void Astrocoo.set(Coo coo, double epoch)
          Set position + epoch.
 void Astropos.set(Coo coo, double epoch)
          Set position from Coordinate and Epoch.
static void FK4.toFK5(Coo coo)
          Convert the position to FK5 system -- assumed to be ICRS.
 void Astroframe.toICRS(Coo coo)
          Conversion to ICRS.
 void FK4.toICRS(Coo coo)
          Convert the position to its ICRS equivalent.
 void ICRS.toICRS(Coo coo)
          Convert the position to its ICRS equivalent.

Constructors in cds.astro with parameters of type Coo
Coocube(Coo coo)
          Define the Coocube from a Coordinate
Qbox(Coo coo)
          Define the Qbox containing a given position, at the current level.

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